Friday, February 24, 2012

Crabby-Ass Friday Snow Blog

Hey, it's Friday. For me it's my three-day weekend. This may be my last three-day weekend as while I was sleeping I got the call that I got the job I applied and interviewed for last week. It is contingent on a physical but that shouldn't be an issue. I will either start on March 1st or March 16th depending on what they want to do as far as switching my job classifications. The new position doesn't allow for the three-day weekends every other week; I guess the extra money will make up for that.

We got dumped on with snow over night. we are overdue and no matter what happens for the rest of the winter I doubt that we'll get as much for the season as we got all last year. It turns out that today is garbage pick-up day and I just saw that the garbage truck passed up our trash pick up becasue some A-Hole is snow blowing the neighbor's driveway and he parked in the street right in front of our garbage cans so the truck didn't see them and drove right buy. I am half-tempted to go out and place the cans right in front of this dudes mini-van just to make myself feel better. So many people are thoughtless morons - can you tell I only got three hours of sleep? Seriously, now I have to either move all of the trash back into the garage for another week or make the regular garbage man take our recycling as regular trash. That's irresponsible to the planet so I suppose my garage will just have to stink for another week with extra trash. I may move it over more in front of the neighbor's house who had the inconsiderate jag park in front of my trash for the week.

I heard that Jennifer Aniston got a star one The Hollywood Walk of Fame. I don't mean to take anything away from her honor but I always remember it was a big deal to have this honor bestowed on an actor. It always seemed like the stars that received their star were at the ends of their career and it was like being inducted into some kind of Hall of Fame or something. I am probably wrong and it probably really comes down to money and paying somebody to perform this ceremony for you. Congratulations Jen!
Apparently I was WAY wrong!
Does anybody remember any of the songs in that movie That Thing You Do? I know one of the songs is right on the tip of my tongue.

As you can probably tell I am in a foul mood, I need more sleep  methinks. I think I am just disillusioned about the whole Hollywood walk of Fame and it is going to change the way I view life. It looks like The Olsen Twins have stars - they were in like one television series and maybe one or two forgettable movies. I just went and checked and there are a bunch of stupid members of this Walk of Stupidity - Charlie Tuna? Rugrats? It seems like you just have to pay for a star. maybe I should see about getting Dirty Laundry Podcast a star - that would be just as stupid as some of these others.

I am either going to go back to bed or go clean the driveway and move the trash cans in front of the neighbors house. I hope you're in a better mood than I am and have a great weekend. I don't know why I let the actions of one thoughtless jerk ruin my whole outlook - I think the lack of sleep is about 30% to blame. Thank you for letting me vent - I appreciate it. TTT?...MITM (out to seek revenge on the world) TA!

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