Thursday, February 23, 2012

Can Chickens Dance with Sunglasses on?

I can barely keep my eyes open but that may make for a better blog. Maybe I will accidentally hit keys to type something good when I don't try so hard?

Did you know that at one time they made sunglasses for chickens? Apparently chickens become cannibals when they see blood. By putting sunglasses on chickens back in the 1940's  - 1950's they would not be able to see when another chicken was bleeding becasue they could not detect color so they wouldn't peck a wounded chicken to death. I just thought that was a weird fact so I knew I had to share it with you.

As we get more and more guests scheduled for upcoming Dirty Laundry Podcasts the show is requiring a lot more work. The research and other show prep is taking a lot more time and I love it! For the upcoming show - with Jack The Ripper's Great Great Grandson - I had to read a book. I cannot remember the last time I sat down and read an entire non-electronic-type book. I guess I can really make the time to do that if I want to. I have read a lot of on-line stuff and a lot of magazines and newspapers but to read a book...I cannot even remember when I read an entire book from cover to cover. I am kind of embarrassed by that since I love to write so much. We got our DLP business cards yesterday. Nothing spells success like having business cards I guess.

I drank a lot of Diet Mt. Dew yesterday and I am not sure if I like to drink something is the same color coming out as it was going in.  Maybe I should have worn chicken sunglasses.

Albert Pujols is not as big a deal in California as he was in Missouri it appears. The St. Louis Cardinals wanted to refer to Pujols as "The Man" but he asked them not out of respect for former St. Louis Cardinal Stan 'The Man" Musial. The Los Angeles or Anaheim or California angels started their marketing campaign with Pujols as the focal point with billboards... calling  Pujols "El Hombre" (The Man). Pujols, apparently, is not happy with the moniker but in La La Land you don't get a say I guess Albert. Get used to it!

Supposedly we in the MIDDLEwest are supposed to get slammed (TWSS) tonight and tomorrow by several inches of snow. we have been very fortunate this year and if we have to get all of it at one time right before Spring arrives I am cool with that. I would rather not get it but I wasn't registered to vote in that election so I guess I have to take whatever I get.

The Academy Awards are this weekend. I am not going to watch it. It's ridiculous and way too long. I am perfectly happy waiting until the next morning to see who won.

I have to stop because I am literally, okay maybe not quite literally, falling asleep. sorry to cut it so short (TWSS) but I have to close my baby blues that are greenish-brown. Have a great day and if you hear an Earthquake it is probably my snoring - I apologize ahead of time for my nasal transgressions. Thank you for being here and for listening to the podcast. make sure to like both Matt In The Middle and Dirty Laundry Podcast on Facebook so I can bug you even more efficiently than I already do! TTTT...MITM zzzzzz-ing out)!

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