Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Blog Between First and Second Sleeps!

I thought I had better get something up here so you don't wonder if I am alive or not - I am alive. I just woke up from "first sleep" and am doing some things before "second sleep." You may ask yourself, "self, what is this business about first sleep and second sleep?" My hetero life-mate Greg Weindorf, who also happens to be the world's foremost entertainment critic and can be heard regularly on Dirty Laundry Podcast, knowing of my sleep irregularity sent me an article that said how the eight-hour straight-through sleep is a relatively new phenomena, Greg may have changed me forever - AGAIN - by sending me a BBC report discussing this in detail. Here is the link to that article because I don't want to drone-on about it if you're not interested but I want to share it with everyone who may be interested because they had/have sleeping problems like me or just think it makes sense as I do. I sleep much better now than I have in recent years and I think it's because I have been sleeping this way recently by accident but now I know it is probably the correct way to do it so I am rekindling the movement. I know with the way our schedules are these days it can be difficult but my schedule is such that I can do the field work and let you know how it goes. Thank you Greg for making me whole again (TNWHS).

I just now got the phone call from my work's Human Resource person and my physical went fine and my start date for the new job is March 16th. That works out pretty well because my current position is as such right now that my weekends have been on actual weekends and that cycle is shifting and the weekend/weekend thing is probably going to end on about the 16th. So, if you require my company on a weekend you may have two more weekends to woo me. I am not sure what my regular "weekend" will be for the new position but whatever two days of the week my weekend will end up being they will stay the same every week. Since I am starting on a Friday my thought is, and this is pure conjecture on my part, my weekend will be Wednesday and Thursday. I will totally lose the three-day weekends every other "weekend." This new job will still allow me to work on our sleep-study.

Filmmaker John Borowski just added a link to the Dirty Laundry Podcast on his website. John is a real filmmaker and even has two films, that I know of, on Netflix (ding). We talk about and ding Netflix so often on the podcast that I think they should change their name to Netflix Ding. The two films of his that I have seen are: H.H. Holmes: America's First serial Killer and Albert Fish. They are both great documentaries and I highly recommend them both. H.H. Holmes and Albert Fish were both serial killers so be warned. Albert Fish was much more disturbing to me because his penchant was for children. I don't know why that seems so much worse to me because a life is a life but children usually haven't had time to become a-holes yet maybe? We are ironing out the details of when John will be on the podcast but it looks like probably the end of March - I should be well-rested by then because my new first/second sleep study will be a month old by then. He is working on a new film about another mass-killer named Carl Panzram. Check out John's site to see how you can become a producer or a contributor... "Dirty Laundry Podcast" is already going to appear on the closing credits.

It seems like I am entering the period of my podcasting and blogging life that will be known in the history books as my "Dark Period." I have always been fascinated by the minds of serial killers and we talk about it on the podcast a lot lately and Cha Cha thinks people are interested in these people because we want to know how to recognize these people so we can avoid them. I. however, have always been interested how people are so different and I accept people for their differences and eccentricities provided they don't encroach on other people's differences and eccentricities. It seems that John has the same fascination that I do and I look forward to discussing that with him live in Kajunkles Studio soon.
Why is my inner-voice always screaming?
Alrighty, I am getting heavy-eyed and my body is telling be that it is time for second sleep so I had better listen. Supposedly our bodies "tell" us stuff all the time but we usually ignore them. The only time I really listen is when it tells me it's hungry and that's the one I should try to ignore. Why can't it tell me it wants carrots and apples instead of cookies and cake and pizza all the time? I would just ignore that part anyway. Make sure you listen to the podcast - I think it's a pretty good one. We are starting to get into a groove and people are wanting to be guests. I received an email back from another person that I wanted to be on and he is very excited to be on the podcast. It is one of the ones that MADYM will get producer credit for because she "hooked-me-up." You'll have to listen to the MADYM episode of the DLP again to guess who it is (I think that was last-week's).

Thank you for spending a few moments with me during my sleep recess or half-time... I need to come up with a cool name for that period of time between my two sleeps. I appreciate you being here so I keep doing this...I need to do it. I am a Serial Blogger and Serial Podcaster...you are probably helping me so I don't focus my obsessions where they don't belong. You are making it so I channel it so I only hurt people's ears and eyes (podcasts and blogs). Have a great Leap Year Day Eve! TTTT...MITM (now entering the second-half).

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