Friday, January 27, 2012

Obsession For Blogs!

I am so tired of being tired. I would rather, once in awhile, to be so awake by being awake. If I felt awake all the time I would probably be tired of being awake. I always want what I do not have or cannot get.

Once I get done writing this I am going to go down to the U.S. Postal service and see if they can offer any advise about getting my birth certificate.

I was sad to discover that Robert Hegyes died. He played Juan Luis Pedro Felipo de Huevos Epstein on Welcome Back Kotter. I really liked that show as a kid and Epstein might have been my favorite Sweathog. Barbarino was too stupid, Horshak was too stupid. Washington was pretty funny and Epstein was pretty funny. Maybe I am reverse-racist? Doesn't huevos mean eggs? That was lost on me as a yute and I still don't know it's significance unless it has something to to with what seems to be the obvious to me. He died of a heart attack at 60-years-old. 

My current obsession, added to my obsession of discovering the details/myth of my real birth, has turned toward Jack the Ripper. For some reason I am, and always have been, fascinated by serial killers. I don't think I am alone in this distraction but it has always seemed very odd to me to be so fascinated by these maniacs. I don't know what the interest is though I have always told myself that it is because the idea of being like this is so foreign to my thoughts. Many of the most notorious serial killers of all-time appear to have some close contact/basis in the American Middlewest: Gacy, Dahmer, Gein, BTK, Speck... and now maybe Jack the Ripper too? Okay, now I mentally left here for several minutes to feed my obsession and I am back. I think my obsession these days is trying to do a good podcast and I am trying to marry these two obsessions for just one load of Dirty Laundry. If I could get Words with Friends added to the mix that would be perfect especially if I could get a TW (triple word score) thrown in there. I won't go on but will let you know if something comes of my quest for my unholy grail.
Probably one of my best and worst traits

I just have to work two more days and then I get a three-day "weekend." The next best thing to a three-day weekend is a four-day weekend which I don't have in the foreseeable future though there are several three-day weekends coming up. I think I may use one of my three-day weekends to go down and see Splenda? I feel like I am a nuisance when I am down there but that just means I am being a good parent, right? 

I have to get a few things done and now I have managed to totally rerouted my mind and don't think I am going to be very effective as a blogger right now so I think I better refocus my energies toward my distractions. I wish I could just shut my brain down sometimes but then I suppose I wouldn't be much of a blogger or a podcaster (and I know calling myself a good blogger and/or podcaster is presumptuous) but I surely would sleep better.

Have a super day because without today there is no tomorrow (that is a lesser-well-know Mayan expression). Thank you for stopping in again today. MITM...TTTT (out to obsess elsewhere)... Toodles!

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