Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's Create Your Own Headline Wednesday (it's a contest)

For you youngins that's an album cover
Happy most likely Hump Day to's Monday for me in case you're keeping score at home.

I am really tired but woke up anyway. I am uploading the Dirty Laundry Podcast right now and it will be up by the time I am done with this blog so please head-on over there to listen to the show when you're done's like the blog on caffeine with music and my Felt Fog (Velvet Fog was already taken).

It seems like the Republican Party may finally be deciding who they like as their Presidential candidate. I am not a very political person I just know what I like be it Republican or Democratic or Independent though for about every election I can remember I have leaned and/or voted for the Democratic candidate. I did like John McCain but he turned into a douche when he finally ran last time so I could not vote for him. I have to say out of all of the Republican candidates that have been traveling around the country in the GOP Traveling Circus Mitt Romney is one that I may consider. Now he has made history in being the first Republican candidate to win both the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries which really mean nothing so I wonder why they make such a big deal about them. They are now to smear one another in South Carolina and they say whoever wins South Carolina always wins the Republican nomination for President. With all of the the shenanigans and all of the stupid jostling that's been done I may be hard-pressed to vote their way since they all look like a bunch of big-top clowns. President Obama has been very smart to keep doing his job and letting the other side do all of his work for him by making themselves and each other look silly. My vote is still up for grabs so now it's time to wow me and America!

For some reason our internet was down just now. I went to publish the podcast and it wouldn't let me. I knew the bill was paid because I just paid that two days ago. They must do maintenance in the MIDDLE of the night when most people are sleeping. I am calling vampire discrimination. It appears to be back up now since it is publishing. I guess I need to add publisher to my resume.
The Kardashian replacements and their husbands/boyfriends

The Super Bowl is drawing near and they are already starting to talk about the commercials that will be made for the huge event(s) that play between the plays of the football game. Isn't it funny how everyone watches the commercials during the Super Bowl but the following week we are skipping through them on our DVR's and complaining about them? That's pretty damn clever of those advertisers. How did they scam us into that one? If the blog or the podcast every gets big enough for a television advertisement I have already consulted our P. R. Department and said we should just blow all of our advertising budget on one commercial spot that one night. Or am I supposed to raise the money and do it now and that's how the blog and podcast get big? Damn, no wonder we're still small potatoes - I need to do a winter car wash to start raising the funds. If the one commercial is good enough people will talk about it for a couple of weeks and seek it out on YouTube... Last year one of the big commercials (that was not a butt crack LOL I mean a crack about her know what I mean) was a Skechers commercial with Kim Kardahian. The people at Shechers have decided to go a slightly different way with a French Bulldog this year. She's nice to look at but apples to apples I think I'd go with the dog too! Probably a lot less temperamental.

Okay I have to get my wiggle-on. The Dirty Laundry Podcast is official up on iTunes and there is some great new music on this load. You can also find out why Cha Cha has been so down in the dumps lately. Have a great day and I thank you for spending a few minutes with me here. TTTT...MITM (out to raise a billion dollars for a 30 second commercial spot) TA!

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