Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dress Codes & Black-Outs & Breakups. What a day!

My weekend is over and it's back to work today. I like my job so it's not that big of a deal but I would much prefer to just do podcasts and blogs all day because the dress code is much more lax. I mentioned last week that I was considering testing for the next logical step in the progression of my becoming king of the world and I have pretty much decided that I have to make the move if presented the opportunity; I don't know why "I have to" but I think I have to so I have to.
Even Vatican City has a dress code

This morning started out pretty good. Fabio got out of bed easier than usual becasue he has finals starting today and he wanted to have a good breakfast like the school suggested for finals. Then I was listening to the radio while messing around in the kitchen and there was a trivia contest on the radio and hey said the subject was college major was radio/television so it sounded like it was going to be pretty much in my wheel-house. I called in and I won a new car $100,000 a box of Girl Scout Cookies; Fabio will like them though I would have preferred an all-inclusive vacation to Neptune. The question was an easy one I thought but I won nonetheless since I have a quick dialing finger. The question was: "The Jefferson's was a spin-off of what other television show?" I will give you the answer at the end of the blog so you can have a chance to check Wikipedia.

Oh wait, you cannot check Wikipedia today because they are shutting down for today to protest against anti-piracy legislation making its way through Congress. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales Tweeted yesterday, "Student warning! Do your homework early. Wikipedia protesting bad law on Wednesday!" Google is also joining the protest by putting "black tape" over their Google logo though Google is still available. I may file a discrimination suit against Wikipedia because if I spoke Spanish, French, German or Russian I could still get Wikipedia today. I only took four years of high school German and two years in college and you expect me to be able to use that now? Maybe this is the reason the Cosmos had me take so much German. It's either that or maybe one day I will be in a German-speaking country and I can ask where the library is or tell them that the post office is closed on Sunday or that I like lemonade. I know I would not be as smart as a 5th-grader in Germany. I hope they remove Wikipedia from the search pages today so if I have to search something I don't get the Wikipedia shuffle. I didn't capitalize those last two Wikipedias and the spell-check gave me that red squiggly line and when I checked Wikipedia was in spell-check - you know you've made it when you're in spell-check!
It's not you, it's me

The Dirty Laundry Podcast is up but for some reason I cannot find the new episode/load on iTunes. It is up at the Podomatic site but maybe I have to reboot my computer. I will try that when I am done posting this blog. I hope it's just some kind of glitch and it isn't due to some rules that we have broken. I probably do push the envelope sometimes but isn't that why people do podcasts instead of radio shows? Steve Dahl in Chicago and Adam Corolla in Los Angeles, to mention a couple, have both had very successful radio shows and could again if they chose to but they have chosen the podcast medium because of the greater freedoms and flexibilities that podcasts offer both the people making the podcasts as well as the people who listen to the podcasts. I just posted it last night and we already had over 40 downloads when I checked early this morning so maybe it's up and just not here. I will reboot but people can always listen at that link. I love iTunes so I hope they are not mad at me. They were my whole life; I don't know how I would handle it if they broke up with me. Maybe we would just have to start doing the show in Spanish, French, German or Russian. Cha Cha took French and I took German and I know some Spanish and I know a lot of swear words and phrases in Greek so maybe we could do something along those lines?

Newt Gingrich will not be President. Sarah Palin is telling people in South Carolina to vote for him in the primary. Has she made a deal with him to endorse him with hopes of being his running-mate should he make the ballot? How did that work-out for John McCain? I have heard so many bad things about the Republican candidates from all of the other Republican candidates that I would be hard-pressed to vote for any of them no matter who comes out of this mess. 
Or is that Tina Fey?

Okay I had better get on gettin'-on. Thank you for stopping by and hopefully you'll be able to, or already have been able to, download Load #44 of Dirty Laundry Podcast and I am going to reboot the computer right after I publish and promote today's blog. I hope you have a great day and if you're in the MIDDLEwest try to stay indoors today if you can because baby, it's cold outside. TTTT...MITM - oh yeah - The Jefferson's was a spin-off of All In The Family. Here's a tougher one that I have found very few people know - what show is Happy Days spun-off of? (TA!

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