Friday, January 13, 2012

Holy Triskaidekaphilia!!!!!!

It's one of my most favorite days of the year - Friday the Thirteenth. I am not sure if I will like this one, the one with all of the snow, or the one in April better but I am a big fan of Friday the Thirteenths. Some people dislike Friday the Thirteenth and I am not really sure why. Why would you hate a Friday just because it is the 13th day of the month? Aren't Fridays the most beloved of all of the days? I have always been a triskaidekaphiliac so I really don't get it - I was usually number 13 on most of the baseball teams I played on just because of this. Next year is the 13th year since Y2K - the previous end of the world. Next month is a leap year and we have two Friday the Thirteenths this year just before the 13th month of the new millennium - I am starting to see what the Mayans were talking about. Is it a coincidence that the last day they "predicted" we'd be alive is December 21st - - - A FRIDAY??????

I have been at my new job for about three months and I am already looking at the next logical step at the job. I have to decide what I want to do but I am leaning toward taking the next step though if I don't take it now it will be available to me again later. I have always felt it best to move forward when given the opportunity and I am fairly sure this time will be the same. I have to weigh the pros and the cons and make a decision soon.

I don't know why, and I know this is random, but for some reason I think Charlie Brown needs a resurgence / revitalization. How about a full-length Charlie Brown movie in theaters? Maybe with real people playing the kids and an animated Snoopy and Woodstock? Not a crappy cheesy one like they tried to do with The Little Rascals though. From my blog to Spielberg's ears.

I heard a Dunkin' Donuts commercial last night. Donuts are delicious and so are doughnuts but they certainly aren't the healthiest of foods. The commercial talked about a new product that they have whereby they wrap a piece of sausage inside a doughnut or a pancake or something. Doughnuts aren't unhealthy enough so let's turn them into edible sausage pinatas. I swear that a health care provider or a funeral home chain must own controlling shares of Dunkin' Donuts.
Clogged arteries are very economical!

Oh crap, a black cat just crossed my path with a mirror on its back. I took the mirror off of the cat and dropped it and it smashed into a thousand pieces all over the sidewalk crack I was standing on. Then I stood up and hit my head on the ladder I was stooping under. What a day!

I have run out of steam it seems so I am gonna call it a morning and go get some shut-eye. Have a great day and if you get a chance and haven't listened yet please head on over to Dirty Laundry Podcast so we can get our numbers up on this Friday the 13th! It's only two more days until start a new load. Thank you for stopping in and I will blog again Monday latest but you never know what a snowy weekend might bring. TTTT...MITM (out to the land of nod before out to the land of shoveling snow)

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