Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Most Trendiest-Named Blog Ever!

They all float!
Now it's Wednesday!

Yesterday Kathy Boger posted the winners of class awards for our reunion on our reunion The Facebook page. 30 years ago I was runner-up for Most Humorous. It has taken me 30 years but I finally made it out of the runner-up column and won an award. I was voted Class Clown ("New Class Clown Since Geoff Gillette Couldn't Make the Reunion to Defend His Title," more specifically). I am very honored I think. I am not sure if Class Clown is a promotion or a demotion or just a lateral move but I am just happy to get rid of the "runner-up" part. How do you like them apples Jimmy Kimmel? Now I will have to go to every reunion to defend my title; that's okay because I had a great time (obviously, by my award).

Remember yesterday I told you about how I have been signing my debit card purchases with just an "X"? Yesterday Fabio and I went and saw Captain America: The First Avenger and afterward we stopped at the store because he needed some Axe shampoo and toothpaste and I needed dish soap and something to make for dinner. When we checked-out I let him scan all of the items, swipe the card and I even let him "sign" the "X" in the machine. No problem..."approved." Maybe next time, to further my field research, I will let him do the whole thing himself and wait nearby watching in case things get out of control and someone questions him. I don't know why I am doing this experimentation but sometimes a class clown just has to amuse himself too you know!
Please put on your 3D glasses for the remainder of the blog!

Captain America was pretty darn good. We saw it in 3D and man has 3D come a long way since I last saw a 3D movie - the effects were crazy good in 3D.  I would give Captain America 4 stars out of 5 I think but, just to be fair, Captain America was one of my favorite super heroes as a kid. I loved Batman (me and my buddy Mary Miller I just recently found out) and Iron Man too so I have been pretty happy with the crime fighter movies over the last ten years or so. Make sure you stay past the credits because there is a clip there too. We were the only two who stayed - have none of these other nerds been to a Marvel movie ever? There is ALWAYS a scene after the credits!

They showed some of the previews in 3D too. Immortals (looks good), Three Musketeers (looks good), The Amazing Spider Man (looks VERY familiar). They all looked better in 3D. Why can't Hollywood come up with original ideas? Three Musketeers has been done many times and the new Spider Man movie looks like identical to the Tobey Maguire one. Do they have to do all of the films over now just because a new dude is playing Spider Man? We will notice either way. Maybe they just want to redo it in 3D and this is a good time with the actor changing? I think Hollywood is looking for a way to charge us more to watch a movie so this is their new tactic. They will say that 3D costs more to produce and then, one day, we'll find out that it's actually cheaper. Not that Hollywood would lie.

It's funny to me how YouTube has become one of our major news sources. Every news show and talk show plays YouTube videos it seems. It's pretty smart of them to let us do most of the work for them I suppose but they still have commercials! I am not really into watching somebody's home movies that I don't even know. Yes, your pet pretending to talk or your baby talking to the toaster may be funny to you but we don't know your baby or your pet. This is the new version of America's Funniest Home Videos without the zany Bob Saget.

I seem a little cynical today don't I?

Can you guess what the hottest girl's baby name is through the first half of 2011? Of course, you knew the hottest girl baby name so far this year is Pippa! Mila is popular now too. How come nobody ever named their daughter Sigourney or Charo? I guess they're all better than Moxie Crimefighter (Penn Jillette) or Pilot Inspektor (Jason Lee) or Kal-el Coppola (Nick Cage). I would have thought he would have gone with Elvis.

Alright, I have rambled on long enough. I have lots to get done  so I had better get to it. Have a nice Humpday; it appears to be a little cooler here in my part of the MIDDLEwest so maybe I can mow the front yard without it turning brown today. TTTT...MITM (vapor)

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