Friday, July 8, 2011

Jurors Not Welcome to Read Today's Blog!

Jurors not welcome to read this blog! Not really but there is a restaurant in Florida that has a sign on the front window that states "no jurors welcome" in reference to the jurors of the recent Casey Anthony trial that was held in Florida. I feel bad for the jurors. They did their jobs as they were instructed to do and the way the law requires and now they are getting blamed for doing a poor job. Most of us disagree with the verdict but how many of us have had to do things at jobs that we were required to do that we did not agree with? I have had to do several things that I disagreed with at various jobs over the years. The people who didn't do their jobs competently, it seems, were the Prosecution. I have never been called for jury duty even though I have voted almost every time there has been an election since I was eighteen and I have always felt a little slighted by that since Cha Cha has had her name drawn about 15 times but now I hope I never do get sent to the jurors' pool. Maybe if I'm the lifeguard I'll go.

As predicted here a week or two ago James Spader has been announced as the replacement Regional Manager of Dunder-Mifflin Saber on The Office. One celebrity thing I didn't predict was that Natalie Portman was going to name her baby Aleph Millepied. Millepied makes sense since that is the father's last name (Benjamin Millepied) but what is Aleph? It seems it means "primordial one that contains all numbers" which makes reference to the origin of the universe. Luckily celebs' kids don't usually go to public schools or this kid would definitely be beat up a lot. His dad's a ballerina and his name is Aleph Middepied. His step-dad is Darth Vader though so maybe he would be okay at school.

Remember yesterday I wrote about a recipe I was going to try for ceviche rolls? They were really good but they didn't receive the fanfare I had hoped for although Splenda raved about them. However, I mentioned that the recipe was from Food & Wine magazine when, in fact, it was from my more favorite magazine Whole Living. I apologize to everyone that I don't know at Whole Living for that error. I will get the recipe up in the right margin later today or tomorrow and let you know when it's there in case you want to try it.

Why is the last paper towel on the roll so belligerent?
I heard that there is going to be a Charlie Sheen celebrity roast. Is that really necessary? There is nothing that anybody could say that would shock any of us is there? The only good thing about celebrity roasts, in this case, is that they are mean and Charlie could use a little roasting. The guests always sit there and laugh like they think it's funny but you know that they don't. Coincidentally, I saw an old episode of The Larry Sanders Show last night where Larry was being roasted, He hated it and most of the people roasting him: he didn't really care for, they were getting revenge or he didn't even know. Who will roast Sheen do you suppose? Gilbert Gottfried? Jenna Jameson? Martin Sheen or Emilio Estevez would be good. It will probably be hosted by the very un-funny Dave Atell becasue he is the self-proclaimed roasting pan. Dean Martin was the man when it comes to roasting. Jenna Jameson would probably say she was coming and not show up (no pun intended). She is being sued by Hollywood Palms cinema, the one I wrote about yesterday with  Draco Malfoy coming, because she just didn't show up for I think two separate appearances. She didn't show up for court either and now Hollywood Palms has to say what money they lost and she will have to pay. Those darned porn stars are so unreliable.

Enjoy your weekend eve. Fabio has three basketball games tomorrow in Rockford and I am scheduled to work. I am trying to get a replacement to work for me so I can go to the games but so far I have been unsuccessful. Long story short...depending on whether I get a replacement to work for me tomorrow I may or may not be able to blog too. The domino-effect is in play here and the clock is ticking. Thank you for listening to my rambles today (technically you listen when you read because you kind of talk the words in your head I think and your voice is much better than mine - case in point..the Dirty Laundry Podcast). TTTsoon...MITM (out and about)

1 comment:

  1. Your ceviche is excellent! I highly recommend it to the veggies that read your blog.

