Monday, July 11, 2011

An Idiot - A Blog

It's Monday and it feels like a Monday to me. I bet it feels like a Monday to you too doesn't it? I am in some kind of a mood today and I am going to chalk it up to a case of the Mondays.

I was listening to music yesterday, like I pretty much do most all of the time, and I started wondering why do we feel it necessary to break music up into decades? Was music in 1979 (70's music) that much different than music in 1980 (80's music)? What is the music called now? Did we just get done with 0's music and now we're in the 10's music until 2020 at which time we'll be back into the roaring 20's music? I imagine it's easier for us to categorize stuff that way but it's not really fair to the music.

I took a break to go save our yard from the 80 mile per hour winds and now I am back four hours later...I guess I got a bit sidetracked. I am still really a mopey Taylor again. I took quite a blow to the head yesterday and I have a good-sized bump on top of my noggin' so maybe I have a walking-concussion or something. I may be concussed. That sounds naughty so I like it.

I am typing this and watching that show I told you about a while back, An Idiot Abroad, on The Science Channel. Karl is in India. Seeing these other countries makes me feel fortunate sometimes and unfortunate other times. They just showed a man called The Elephant Baba who looks like The Elephant Man and his friend who wraps a cane around his genitals and twists it...what the heck is that all about? I am in pain just watching him do this. They are trying to demonstrate how their yoga and meditation and spirituality allow them to do the things they do. I am pretty spiritual I think but I have to draw the line way short of that (no pun intended).

Great Funny Show
 I just paused An Idiot Abroad and changed the channel to The Golf Channel. Tiger Woods is supposed to have a major announcement coming up in about five minutes and I thought "hey, you can actually cover live news on today's blog" so I changed on over. Will he retire? Will he take a break? Is he going to announce that he is getting remarried or back with this ex? Is he going to talk about one of his former doctors admitting that he distributed human growth hormones (HGH) - which the doctor/trainer did announce last week? I'll let you know when the announcement comes but it will probably be nothing important either way. Golf Central special report... Tiger Woods joined Excel Sports Management. Big deal for them no big deal for us...just more money for other people who don't really need it.

I hope to get the new Dirty Laundry Podcast up on iTunes and Podomatic today. I need to do the editing but I have lost Kajunkles Studio for now. I will let you know when the show is ready. I hope you have a nice day. Thank you for hanging out with me, If the blog was boring I am blaming it on the bump on my head. TTTT...MITM (out of consciousness - concussed out).

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