Friday, July 22, 2011

It's garage sale day. Of course we have lived in a desert without rain for what seems like forever but as soon as garage sale weekend arrived it looks like we have hit monsoon weekend. Come on out to the subdivision - I'm sure you'll be able to find plants and birds and rocks and things that you cannot live without. You know the old saying - one person's garbage is another person's garbage garage sale purchase. (I really am missing my calling as a marketing executive). I'm surprised that our government hasn't figured out how to tax us for having garages sales. Like having to have a license or something.

I have not heard back from the people at Jimmy Kimmel Live yet. The sketch that I auditioned/interviewed for was not done last night so there is still hope. Tonight is a rerun so it's Monday or nothing. They told me that it would be Thursday (yesterday) or Monday so I still have a chance to look like a fool on national television. Why should my foolishness be limited to a podcast and a blog?

Yesterday I blogged that Steve Williams was fired by Tiger Woods. This morning I heard that Stevie is writing a book and it's going to include a chapter about Tiger's affair(s). Duh! Did I mention there are photos of Tiger's affair autographed by Tiger at our garage sale?  That's because there aren't but, there are a lot of clothes and toys and movies and book and golf clubs and a mo-ped.

Captain America opens in theaters today. I would really like to see that one. Coincidentally (maybe no coincidence) Comic-Con (comic - convention) opened in San Diego yesterday. I have never much gotten into comic books, mainly because they are small and I am big, but I think I would enjoy going to this convention. They all look like they are just doing what they like to do. It's like a nerd Grateful Dead concert. I imagine there would be quite a bit of cross-over there huh? I do like super heroes and seeing people dressed like their favorite comic character would be a lot of fun to me. It would be like Halloween indoors in perfect weather. I bet there are a lot of celebrities who go there dressed in costumes because nobody would know who they were. It's probably difficult for celebs to go out in public and just be silly and I suspect this convention was started by celebs so they could go out in public and be like everybody else. As long as everybody else lives in their parents' basement.

I took a break from the blog to open the garage sale and the Cha Cha took over so I could go donate plasma.  I sold $4 worth of stuff before I left - we're rich I tell 'ya rich! While I was gone Cha Cha sold a pair of glove for $1. I got over to donate plasma and my protein was too low (5.7) - I drink protein shakes every day! I must be protein-intolerant or something (is that a real thing? - no that's Coke). Also while I was gone the skies turned blacker than black and then opened up and the rain came down down down and washed away poor Cha Cha. It is starting to lighten up outside. Thank goodness. Now we may  get some of that humidity that we've been needing.
I guess I should go and try to fix our garage sale signs that were ravaged by the mini-storm in case we get to open up again. As I typed that a nice clap of thunder applauded me. I have a feeling I will be able to blog again tomorrow while I sit at the garage sale.                     
     Tomorrow night is my class reunion so I am sure I will have plenty to blog about after that. My friend Geoff in California wants me to blog a lot about the reunion because he is unable to make the date that was set. I imagine there will be plenty to blog and podcast about Geoff...have no fear. And then, next weekend Splenda and I are going ghost hunting at the Tinker Swiss Cottage with Illinois Ghost Hunter Willy Adkins who you probably remember from Dirty Laundry Podcast episodes 15 and 16. I am so excited because, in addition to Splenda, my high school friend Stacee and her very soon-to-be husband and two other of their friends are going to the ghost hunt. There are only eight people total and we are six - we're like our own Mystery. Inc.  Jinkees!

Have a nice Friday and if you're looking for some stuff you cannot live without come to our neighborhood for nearly 30 rainy garage sales. I bet the rain will make people more willing to bargain.
TTTT...MITM (moistly out).
Play something R-rated today Roz (I love this movie but kids...don't click that link)

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