Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More Real - Santa or Hollywood?

Everybody except MITM it seems!
For some reason I thought today was Wednesday. It's really Tuesday though, right?

As most of you have probably read on my The Facebook post I didn't make the cut at Jimmy Kimmel Live this time. I haven't seen the skit but it was supposed to be on last night. I DVR'd it so maybe I will take a break from writing this so I can talk about it here...I will be right back but I will copy the entire letter here right now so you can read what appears to be a form letter while I am gone:
Hi Matt,

Thank you so much for submitting yourself to be a part of Jimmy Kimmel Live! Unfortunately, you have not been selected to be on the show this time around. We had so many amazing and passionate fans submit themselves that we couldn't accept them all.

But hey, it's not all bad news!

We do these Skype segments all the time and would love to have you email us next time around.
So, in the meantime, keep an eye on our facebook updates and tweets for your chance to be on the show.

Thank you so much for emailing. We really appreciate it! 

Best of luck!
I took great joy in watching that LOL (licking on lollipop). I am sure a lot of the world saw the show in it's entirety if they recorded JKL but in Chicago something must have happened in the news to back-up programming last night (President Obama spoke didn't he?). An Oprah rerun ran through half of JKL. The skit I was supposed to be on had to do with the recent heat wave that was going on throughout the country last week. Maybe they actually canceled the sketch because the heat wave has kind of gone away for now. Maybe that's really the reason I didn't get selected because the sketch wasn't even done? Don't mess with me and my friends - we control the weather! That'll teach them to mess with MITM! If anybody in any part of the world, outside of the Chicagoland area, saw the show - did they do a heat wave Skype sketch last night? I have no ill feelings toward Jimmy or the show. In fact, I turned the tables on them and asked either Jimmy or the talent searcher to let me Skype them for our podcast. I am sure I will hear nothing but now that I know how to get ahold of them maybe I will write a Skype reverse-sketch and send it to them? At the very least it will give me more to podcast and blog about (this may all be a blessing in semi-disguise). When the world hands you lemons make Skype-aid! Mess with me and I will have President Obama (we're Illinois homies you Knowme) and the weather mess up your plans again - booooohaaaaahhhhhhh!

I have been pounding protein (TWSS) the last couple of days (mostly protein shakes) trying to get my protein-level back up so I could donate plasma today. I will know in about an hour if my plasma-level is worthy. 
Last night Cha Cha and I watched Due Date (Robert Downey Jr. & Zack Galifianakis) from the dvd that we received from Netflix in the mail yesterday. I will talk about Due Date in a later blog or maybe Chach and I will discuss it on the next podcast. We're trying to go through the dvd's that we have on our list quickly so we can just do the streaming option when they change their pricing structure in September. The reason I bring it up is that I got to thinking about them changing their pricing. I think it will help our environment. Many people will stop using the dvd mailing option and that will use less printed paper that we will all throw away to clog up our landfills. I further think it will eventually lead to Netflix streaming more films and maybe getting rid of the mailing option all together. 

The Lincoln Highway Parade that we are going to be in is only four days away. I had better get my Dirty Laundry in gear. MisterYM and MADYM have volunteered their HUGE truck with flames to be in the parade. It's very close to being a Monster Truck - I am not really sure what the actual qualifications are to be "monster" but if this one isn't a "monster" it's really, really close. If you want to be in the parade with us I get the details today and if you wanna be in the parade and can be here Friday evening you are invited to be one of our cast of characters. I said we'd have 15 people in our group and I think we have four right now.

I have to get ready to go get deplasmified - I will finish this when I get back and I am SURE I WILL HAVE A HIGH ENOUGH PROTEIN-LEVEL! I am back from donating plasma - my protein level was 6.6 (it was 5.7 on Friday) so I could help advance medical science.
Eight Men Out lied? Damn you again Hollywood

I stopped at the store before I donated plasma to get laundry detergent and trash bags and did something I have been doing lately. I used my debit card with the credit option and when the machine wanted me to enter my signature I just put an "X" on the signature line and hit enter. I have been doing this quite a bit lately at several different stores and it always takes it. I feel like "Shoeless Joe" Jackson when I sign my name that way. It bothers me that all of these machines let me do this. I guess the lesson is that if you lose your credit cards or debit cards you'd better report them immediately because you can get "X'd" pretty quickly. Try it...it will work I guarantee it! If it's over $100 I think some stores will still match your ID but that's okay because it's your card right?

I've got some cleaning, laundry...to do. I am going to clean out the fridge today too - that always sucks. Have a Sam Frantastic day. Let me know if you being in a parade is on your bucket list - it would be great to whittle down two bucket lists (yours and Cha Cha's) at the same time. TTTT...MITM (slowly fading out)

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