Friday, April 1, 2016

I Am Not Joshing You!

April Fools Town
Happy Amateurs' Day (not to be confused with Armistice Day)! I do not plan to lie or fib exaggerate or stretch the truth or josh or Pinocchio my nose more today than I usually do. There does not seem to be any clear explanation as to  April Fools' Day exists but, in my extensive investigation, it seems that it dates back to a poem from 1561 by Eduard de Dene (Belgian/Dutch) where a nobleman sent a servant on a "fool's errand." So, it seems to have spread quickly in France and then across Europe and then to the most gullible nation on the planet when Columbus arrived here. Then, as we do, we shared it with the entire world and we are truly to blame I suppose. Now I wonder why josh has to do with kidding too. Of course, I checked and there seems to be an exact reason for "joshing." It dates back to 1883 and a guy named Josh Tatum in the MIDDLEwest of the United States. The U.S. minted the new U.S. Liberty Head Nickle. It did not have the word "nickel" or the word "cents" stamped on it anywhere. Tatum noticed that it was the same size as the $5 gold piece used, commonly, as the currency of the time got a bunch of the new nickels and  plated them in gold. He traveled from town to town passing them off as $5 gold pieces when buying inexpensive items getting legit change back from his purchases. He made lots of money before being caught and, after this discovery, the new coins were remade with the word "cents" on them. I bet those are collectors' items worth a mint now.

It is still early so I have not done many things yet today so I do not have much on my mind to write about yet.
Cha Cha and I just watched this movie earlier that week
Yesterday I was on a quest to find a tortilla press for many reasons. Firstly, I love corn tortillas but I would like to have smaller ones (bigger than a liberty nickel) like we get on Saturdays with our lobster tacos in Woodstock. I am convinced now that Woodstock is a vortex to another dimension, by the way, for several reasons. Do you really think that Groundhog Day was filmed there just because it looks like Punxsutawney. Pennsylvania? I could easily have a great haunted tour there just based on things that I have seen. Incidentally, I think Leonardo DiCaprio does have a home in this town though he denies it. Of course he denies it but, eventually, I will catch him out and about there and I will have photographic evidence that I will not share because I wish him peace and solidarity if that is what he seeks. I don't know if you saw the photo and video that I posted on my Facebook page from Woodstock last Saturday. The bank temperature read -72 and, when I went to take a photograph of it, no temperature appeared on my camera phone. So, I took a series of photos and caught it. Then I decided to take a video of it and the time and temperature both flashed rapidly while they were solid to the naked eye. And, the analog clock was not the same time as the digital "flashing" clock. If some being from another dimension wanted to contact us wouldn't it be through one of the oldest human inventions (the clock)? Clocks probably existed when most, if not all, ghosts were still live people. I thought a lot of the movie What the BLEEP Do We Know!? the previous week on the internet (I think it was on the internet - maybe U-Tube).

So, anyway, as I lost track of my mind and time yesterday - I searched some of the larger stores for tortilla presses and then I thought to myself, "self, why don't you go to the Hispanic area and try those stores or at least ask them where to get one?" I went to A B Supermarket first and she sent me to La Hacienda Chiquita grocery store (across from Burritoville) and they had them! I bought one along with the masa (instant corn masa flour) to make the shells.I think I am going to do some grocery shopping at these store now too. So, when we are done with the 60 or so tortillas that we already have I will make my wee tortillas. 
 Bring it on down to Burritoville!   

As of now, I am booked to go to Puerto Rico at the end of this month. I do, however, have a job interview on the 15th and, should I land the gig, I may not be able to go. If I do get it it may not occur right away. There are so intangibles in my life lately. Happily, I am a go-with-the-flow kind of guy so I just go as the wind blows. I wonder how many more euphemisms I could have gotten into that last sentence? My trip to Vegas in September is up in the air too. I am living on a sting (in a good way). I am betting that Puerto Rico will happen and Vegas will not (I got good odds). I may go with the long-short perfecta (or "exacta" if you prefer) that they will both happen.

Okay, enough writing - more shopping needs to be done (I have a list). I am fairly certain that I will not blog tomorrow. I may write Sunday though I am going to try to golf that day while everybody else is in church.Have a great rest of your Friday and Frinight as well as the rest of the time until I write again. Thank you for stopping by - you know I am happy that you do. TTTWKW...MITM (out) TA! (WKW = who knows when).  

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