Wednesday, April 6, 2016

We've Come a Long Way Baby!

What exactly is "Virginia flavor?" I hope that isn't a MISSpelling! (or Mrs.)
I am done watching JFK (for the fifth or sixth time) and I had forgotten a lot of the things from the film. I love when the judge walks into the courtroom to preside over the trial of Clay Burtrum (Shaw) and he has a lit cigarette in is mouth and he is shown smoking throughout the trial; we've come a long way baby! So many things have changed in this country (and the world) since the 1960's. I have changed a great deal myself since 1963 - I am much taller but not quite as good-looking. With JFK and RFK being assassinated why was EMK (Teddy) not killed? Is it because he was too young then to make a difference in whomever's agenda? What is past is, indeed, prologue!

While I am in the political mode - Ted Cruz defeated Donald Trump in the Wisconsin Primary yesterday. I don;t really care but it makes me wonder why don't they have the Wisconsin Primary the same time they have the Illinois Primary. Wouldn't it save everyone money and energy if they did the primary elections by region? Maybe it is so candidates can get many more chances to write-off vacations and such. Maybe I am tainted by government right now by watching JFK? Coincidentally, I just saw a CNBC report that Wall Street has predicted that Hillary Clinton has a 70% chance of becoming the next President of the United States. First out first black President and then our first female President? I am so happy I am alive during these times rather than alive when slavery was legal. I have seen women be discriminated against but I am so happy that I am among the generation that slowed that down. There will always be prejudices as long as robots are not in charge but I wish there to always been strides to end racism and sexism and all forms of bigotry. Archie Bunker  doesn't live here anymore! The report went onto sat that Donald Trump has a 10% chance, John Kasich is right behind him and Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders are barely blips on the radar.

120 years ago today (1896) the very first Olympic Games were held at the sanctuary of Zeus in Athens, Greece. It was not the world-wide event that it is these days - it was just competitions among the Greek city-states and the kingdoms of Ancient Greece. It probably did not become a major worldwide event until someone found that there was money to be made in the competitions. For a thing that, for the longest time, was only for amateur athletes, it didn't take them long to find a way to monetarily profit from it. I think McDonald's was probably the first to profit by having those scratch-off cards and if your team/athlete/country won you would get whatever prize was on your card. So, you win free fries and then go in to claim those and buy a burger and a beverage; nothing is few things are free in this life. I guess I remember having T-shirts with the Olympic rings on them as a kid (yes, I was a baby goat to honor the Greeks). Whenever there is money to be made there is somebody there to make it.

I took the 4Runner in yesterday due to alternator issues. I planned on walking to get it later today (provided it is done today) but, of course, it is raining. It is Jackie Robinson degrees today so it is a but warmer than yesterday and the day before when I walked in gloves and a full face mask. I have much rain gear so I may walk anyway. We have had that vehicle for about ten years and it has given us very little problems. I have always been a fan of Toyota. The JEEP and the Fiat are both pretty nice vehicles too. I think each of them would do very well in vehicle Olympics.

More bad press for Uber. A driver got a call to take a guy on a 300 mile run from Philadelphia to Herkimer, New York. I had to mention the name because I remember my dad calling me and my brother Herkimer once in awhile when we were kids. I never knew where that came from and I still don;t know. I guess the driver got tired and had the rider take the wheel for a bit while he got some shut-eye. Well, the 20-year-old rider who became the driver led police on an 86 MPH chase which ended in a crash. Both rider and driver have been suspended from Uber. We took Uber a lot in Kentucky a few weeks ago and the drivers were all great and very efficient and the cars were all very clean. I believe it is a very good company and a good business model but they have very little control over their drivers. I think they need to do some tweaking on their driver rules and background checks if they want this thing to continue.

Okay, I am done for now. Try to stay dry today if you are in the tropical rain forest sans tropical and forest in these parts of the MIDDLEwest. Congratulations to the Chicago Cubs on the great start to this baseball season - see I am in a growth mode in my life. The Cubs have paid their dues and deserve a pennant - 1908 was a long time ago. Thanks for stopping by -  talk at you when I blog at ya! TA!

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