Friday, April 22, 2016

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day! I can honestly say that this is in the top three of planets that I have ever lived on. I have to go to the store today so I hope it stops raining so I can walk there; I would feel guilty driving to the store on Earth Day. I guess I am all out of excused for driving today; I need to walk anyway. I suppose that is what umbrellas were made for... days like this, huh? Isn't that a song - "Umbrellas Were Made for Days Like This?" I admit that I am a tree-hugger. I don't kill bugs on purpose (I cannot help but kill them when they fly into the grill of my car when I am driving - I call that suicide). I catch bees and wasps in my hands and take them outside to set them free when they find their way into the house. I feed birds, and squirrels and rabbits on a daily basis. Be nice to the planet today - it has been nice to you!

Boy, this thing with Pat Boone attacking Saturday Night Live for parodying his film God's Not Dead 2 is getting out of hand. I will not watch his film because I missed the first one and (here comes the telegraphed, unfunny punchline) I would be totally lost. I did not see SNL this past weekend and, had Boone not brought it to my attention, I would not have seeked it out on the interweb to view it because I never would have known it existed. Here is a clip of God is a Boob Man if you want to see see what Boone is whining about. I understand that people are very close to their beliefs and stances on certain issues and they feel they have to defend their ideals and projects but this is making morons like me know about it and making it even a bigger deal by writing about it in a lame-ass blog that few people will ever see. I think people know that I am generally a liberally-minded person and I do believe that adult people should have the right to love whichever consenting adult they choose. There was a time when mixed race marriages were taboo. Maybe Pat is just trying to generate a lot of free press for a film that few will ever see but I think he believes very strongly in his project and has his quills up. I would love SNL to make fun of me - it is sort of an homage in my mind. Boone when on Glenn Beck's radio show and asked, "I'd like to ask Lorne Michaels, 'if someone did a funny sketch and portrayed his mother as a diseased whore would he find that funny or would there be some limit to what he and the show can ridicule?" Jesus would have just turned the other cheek (Gospel according to Matthew and from the Sermon on the Mount). I predict there will be a skit about Lorne Michaels' diseased whore mother on this week's Saturday Night Live. Or, at the very least, Michaels will do one of his pieces where he talks to the camera and addresses this with humor. Since his mom died in 2014 it could go either way or neither way. Maybe Boone is just trying to be a book huckster? I just set the DVR to record this week's SNL. It may be a rerun because the synopsis is, basically, empty. 

I am really jonesin' for carbs this week. I think my homemade corn tortilla addiction was slowing my weight-loss down so I have not had any carbohydrates (that I know of) since Tuesday. Maybe my body is just getting used to what I have been doing and I need to change-it-up? You would think that I would be happy with losing .6 pounds last week but I always want more (or less I suppose). I learned this week that losing .2 pounds is like losing a stick of butter so, losing .6 is like losing three sticks of butter. That puts it into a perspective that I can appreciate and be satisfied with. Everything is about the way you look at it and figuring a positive-spin to it on it. I am just doing salads and water until after my Tuesday weigh-in. I will deal with Puerto Rico eating when I come to it. When Cha Cha and I go to Woodstock Saturday we are going to pack a lunch to take with us and have a picnic in the Gobbler's Knob town square. I wonder why they didn't just shoot Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney? I suppose it is because the real Gobbler's Knob isn't even in the town square in the real city where the rodent looks for his shadow. Movies change reality all the time don't they? The Saturday Farmer's Markets begin there in May- BONUS!

The sun is popping-out so walking is getting more and more doable. It is only 09:08 right now and my watch says it will be in the mid to upper 50's before long (hey, me too) so I will enjoy walking to the store. Saturday is supposed to get into the upper 60's so a picnic in The Knob should be nice.

I have to start a load of laundry so, I will be right back.

"Right back" turned-out to be about four hours later as it is now 13:01. Now I am folding the laundry and the second load is in the dryer. I also walked to the supermarket, walked back here, put away the groceries, ate two Halo oranges, seasoned and began cooking a dozen chicken tenderloins, finished filling the dishwasher and stared the load of dishes and now I am writing again. On the way to the store I listened to the 80's Pop Radio station. The song The Metro by Berlin came on and I found myself tapping my thighs to the tune as I walked. I realized that the entire rhythm was just an entire of song of paradiddles. In case you do not have a drumming background, paradiddles are one of the primary rudiments. The entire was just a long series of electronic paradiddles with words thrown in. I love the song and now I will always why they don't throw and double paradiddle or triple paradiddle in there once in awhile. I live 80's music - I guess that was the wheelhouse of my life.

It seems that it is a free HBO / Cinemax weekend. We subscribe to HBO but not Cinemax and Cinemax is unscrambled. I did the usual and set-up the recordings but there is not much on Cinemax that I am interested in (at least over this weekend).

I am done for today. I have to eat some lunch (salad, of course). I am not sure if I wrote it here but, last week I had a dream about salad. Thank goodness it was not a nightmare because I love salads and I don't want to be afraid of them. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and your Friday night. I am not sure if I will blog tomorrow but I may after Woodstock. Thank you for stopping by. TTTT? (42%)... the tenderloins are beeping that they are done. MITM (out) TA!

Be well,
Be Happy,
Be Peaceful.

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