Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Que Sera Sera!

Today is the anniversary of Thomas Jefferson's day of birth. Though he was a slave-owner for most of his life he called slavery a "hideous blot" and "moral depravity" and he believed that it was among the greatest threats to our new nation. In 1774 he introduced a law in Virginia that would stop the importing of Africans to be slaves. In 1784 he pushed for the ban of slavery for the Northwest territories. He was in the minority and it was not until Abraham Lincoln gave his life for the cause nearly 100 years later that slavery would finally abolished. I suppose Jefferson helped to blaze that trail. There is also a lot of talk that Jefferson also fathered many children with slave women. I am told, though I have not substantiated it (or even tried), that my bloodline runs back to TJ. I don't really know what difference that would make but it is something to talk about.

The 4Runner is finally ready; it will have been in the show for a week tomorrow. I believe I need to find a new mechanic in town sine it takes a week to put a new alternator in a vehicle. It sounds like they must have enough business already so I should spread the work to somebody who needs it. I suppose the flip side of that Jefferson nickle is maybe they are so good that many people takes their work there? I will walk there to pick the 4Runner up when it gets a bit warmer today so I suppose that is a benefit?

I just saw that the new season of Silicon Valley starts on April 24th. I started watching the show because I thought it was Silicone Valley (trademark/patent/copyright... pending) and showed breast augmentations but I liked it anyway and kept watching it. That is not true; I knew what it was about before we started watching it  - I am such a blog exaggerator.

I looked into adding the Fox Sports Midwest channel to our DirecTv account but it is not really that simple so I will just continue to listen to the Cardinals' games on my phone and pretend it is a transistor radio so I can feel like I am in 4th grade again. You have to add a complete package that is quite costly for watching a few games here and there. That is why so many automatons just follow the teams that are geographically near them. I have never thought about that - most people just like teams because they are close to them. Maybe that is smart and maybe it is lazy and makes those people like robots. Though robots could probably turn themselves into satellite dishes and watch whatever team they wanted to watch. But, robots probably aren't really interested in sports.
I have my interview in two days. It is always nice to have a meeting that, should it go your way, should go your way. But, on the off-chance that it does not go with the optimal outcome. would not be the end of the world. I believe in fate to a certain extent but I believe in chance to a greater extent. I do think that our actions and words and beliefs often determine chance and/or fate too. So, I suppose that means "whatever will be will be." You heard Doris Day's voice in your head just then too didn't you?

It is 12:30 and I am hungry so I am going to have some HOMEmade corn tortillas with salad and some salad and ground turkey. The, at about 14:00 I am going to walk the mile or so and pay too much for having the alternator replaced on the 4Runner. I thing I need to go get some new earbuds because I have misplaced my other ones. I think I need to get some florescent pink ones or yellow ones because almost everything we own has black in it and that is the color of my earbuds. That is much easier than remembering where I carefully put them so I would not lose them or forget where I put them. Maybe it is time to get wireless ones, huh?

Have a great rest of your day and your night. It is supposed to be nice the next several days and getting up into the 70's this weekend. It's about darn time. Nice weather would be nice while strolling through Woodstock on Saturday. I know it will be nice where I am at the end of the month though, as it does on all tropical islands, it will rain for a bit every afternoon - I can deal with that. TTTT (probably)...MITM (out) TA!

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