Friday, April 15, 2016

Looks Like a Good Day All Around So Far

What a beautiful Friday - welcome to The Department of Redundancy Department. A) it is Friday B) it is 67 degrees right now at 12:21 C) I interviewed and got offered a job this morning D) taxes aren't due until Sunday because of a government holiday or something... I can list more but that is a pretty good day already in and of itself.

Jeff is lying on the patio in the shade. When I got home from C (above) I threw the Nerf disc (I always want to call them Frisbees no MATTer the brand name. Even though it is a Nerf product it is solid rubber. I guess Nerf saturated the market with foam or there is a foam shortage or something. In college I actually got injured playing Nerf basketball. On a super slam dunk I came down on another player's shoe and twisted my ankle to the point of black-and-blue and swelling twice the original size. I am such a delicate flower. Of course, I finished the game - would Dominique Wilkins come out of the game?
 I crack myself up 

If I do accept the job from C (above) it will not begin until some time in May so I will be able to use my airline ticket to Puerto Rico. I wonder if Cha Cha and I should re-renew our wedding vows in Puerto Rico? We renewed them once in Hawaii (to her surprise and with my brother's Hawaiian connections and diligence... I gotta guy). Our 28th wedding anniversary will be April 30th (we will already be back for P.R. by then but just barely). Anyway, I was offered the job and had to pee in a cup. So, barring any issues with my urine or my background check I will ponder accepting the job. Considering that I passed a urine test and a background check for my current job at the police department I have to believe that I will pass this one because I am boring and do not do drugs (unless prescribed) and I don't do anything exciting like rioting or stealing cars or breaking an entering... The place offered five different shifts and I had to rank my shift preferences from one-to-five. If I get four or five I will make a few dollars extra an hour but I would like to live like a regular human being again. But, Ques Sera, Sera.

Tomorrow Cha Cha and I will make our weekly pilgrimage to Woodstock; I hope we see Leo DiCaprio again. Speaking of that I read that Lady Ga Ga is talking about moving to Aurora, IL because she likes the people and the lifestyle...there. I also heard that Rihanna is moving to Skokie - does she like Illinois Nazis? I hate Illinois Nazis. I think all of these rumors are a bunch of hooey and, who cares anyway? I know for a fact that, when President Obama finishes his final term as President, the Obamas are going to buy four houses in our cul-de-sac and tear them down and build one huge house and live near us. It is true because I saw it writing (just in that last sentence there).
I guess I am just a rebel (but our house is not divided)

The St. Louis Cardinals have moved from last place into a tie for second place. The Chicago Cubs have only lost one game and lead the National League Central. The Cubs and Cardinals face one another for the first time this coming Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I will be sitting alone here watching the games. I will not be having peanuts. I will or be having Crackerjacks. I may consider a turkey dog or two inside a homemade corn tortillas too. I think the Cubs deserve to win a title but I was always hoping that it would wait until I was dust in the wind. There is still A LOT of season left but, though I have always been a good sport when my team has won and won and won, I know I will not receive the same courtesy from many of the opposing fans if the Cubs continue to do well. We always focus on the bad apples don't we? I have made great strides over the past two or three months to refocus my energies and maybe a Cubs' World Series win would test my resolve. I would look at it as a life-test for me. I still have a long way to go on my journey to Nirvana so I will work doubly-hard until October. Maybe I should drive down to St. Louis and find a "who needs one?" guy and go see a game. There has to be one general admission ticket left, right? I could stop in Hannibal on the way there or on the way back? I love that town. Maybe I will just drive to Hannibal and watch a game in a bar there with Sam Clemens' descendants. I am not sure if he has any living descendants but I know there are plenty of people claiming to be in the bloodline.

I am going to wrap this up. I hope you are having nice weather and have your patio door open too. If not, just be patient, it will be there soon. Thank you for coming-by. TTT (maybe this weekend some time)...MITM (out) TA!

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