Monday, April 11, 2016

A New Calling? NO!

One of my favorite parts of Silent Movie
I just got back from running to the grocery store but I certainly wasn't running on the way back home. On the way there I felt like Jackie Robinson and on the way back I felt like a cross between Dorothy Gale and Marcel Marceau. I am sure you get the comparisons but, in case I am too vague as I often am - it was 42 degrees and I made good time on the way there with the wind to my back. On the way home the wind was in my face (I suppose that would be called a headwind) and I could barely walk into the wind so there was not running involved. It was even more difficult with the backpack full of groceries. I guess that is better than a piano on my back. The entire trip was only 3.55 miles but it felt like 26.21875 miles (how in the hell did they arrive at that figure for a marathon?). Even in kilometers is is a weird number (42.195).

Yesterday I used the last store-bought corn tortilla so my day began making tortilla dough and using the tortilla press. I made about a dozen tortillas that were roughly 7" in diameter and grilled them.I pressed them a little thicker than the store-bought ones so they would not fall apart as easily when filled with mu usual fillings. I was saddened, un poquito, that they were not yellow (amarillo) though. While I was at the store I checked the ingredients of the pre-made tortillas that I had been buying and they use yellow corn masa (masa de maiz). I have to check and see if I can find yellow corm masa someplace. I did buy some corn so my mad kitchen scientist experiments can continue this afternoon with adding corn to the masa before cooking. I will try whole kernels and, if that does not accomplish my task, I will chop or grind or maybe even just use yellow food coloring? Part of eating is the presentation and I want yellow corn tortillas dag nabbit.

I was listening to the Barenaked Ladies station on Pandora on the my trek (both ways). As I got to the store I was hearing "American Girl" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Can you ever hear that song and not think of Silence of the Lambs?
I started to write a political paragraph but deleted and I will just type four words - Al Gore Delegate Rules. So, you can either search that on your own or not and I did not say anything about politics - I just typed four simple words.

Splenda and Cha Cha and I rented Sisters on pay-per-view or whatever DirecTv calls it this past weekend. I would say that it was pretty good for a little while and then it just went on way too long with way too many stupid jokes. It was like Animal House with MIDDLEaged people instead of college students without all of the humor. It was too far-fetched and there were lots of flaws in the way people really behave in life unless they are completely psychotic. It was only $4.99 for the movie; I have spent more for worse things I suppose.

My mom and dad came over yesterday. My dad looks and feels great. It is so hard to believe he had triple by-pass surgery just a few months ago. We had a nice visit and I did not have to get stuffed-up from my cat allergy.

Okay, I could not stand it so I had to go try making the tortillas with the corn. I used the chopper and chopped the corn and then added the corn and a secret ingredient (it is a spice and it can be purchase legally in almost every grocery store in America) to the masa I used before and pressed and grilled about another dozen shells and I am much happier with the new batch. I am sure I will change what I am doing many times but I think I can make sun-dried tomato shells and green chili shells... Cilantro shells sound good. Maybe I can be The Tortilla Man and drive around town with a food truck. We used to have Bagel Man (at least that is what we called him or Mr. Bagel or Bagel Guy or Dudder or El Duderino...) at Southern Illinois University and he just stood outside of the bars and cooked bagels and customized them as they were purchased. We live in a college town and maybe I could drive around campus and make fresh tortillas with various different fillings out of the back of an old ice cream truck or something? I bet this is the way that Subway started - but they are too lazy to travel around peddling their wares. I think I will also make my own sound track and play the tune of Tequila and, when they would normally say "tequila" I will sing "tortilla." I am the P.T. Barnum of food trucks all of a sudden.

Hey, maybe our dog is actually named after Jeff Lebowski? I just now realized that is why I wanted, so bad, to name him Jeff!

Geez, I forgot that I was blogging and I made some more corn tortillas; they are so much better than the first batch. I also made and am cooking my baby turkey meatloafs at the request of my better-half. They will be awesome crumbled up and used as the filling for my corn tortillas. The loafs are made and in the pans but I will try to time them to be done at 18:00 (it is 17:01 right now). Meatloaf corn tortilla tacos maybe the biggest seller on the Tortilla Man Truck that I never start.
Don't I look nice in my Tidy Whities?
When I break-up writing the blog I never realize how long it gets (TWSS - see blog glossary for definition). I am going to stop now and clean-up the huge mess I have made of the kitchen. I do a lot of cleaning as I go so it really isn't that bad. Tomorrow is weigh-in day so I won't have too many tacos tonight even though, based-on the program I am on I can have pretty much as many as I want (within reason). I may go for another zip around the neighborhood tonight (with Jeff and Cha Cha if she wants to go). Then, in the morning, I will do between five and ten miles depending on how I feel. I will not eat anything tomorrow until after weighing-in at noon. every Tuesday I feel like a wrestler (like Matthew Modine in Vision Quest - I think I have written that before). trying to make weight to participate in the weight-class desired.

Okay, enough already blogger-mouth. I hope you have a great night and I hope that it is warmer tomorrow so I can wear shorts. Thank you for keeping me company in my tortilla truck house. I appreciate you stopping by and I appreciate all of the comments and questions and ideas that come my way. Don't feel you have to send me stuff but know that, if and when you do, I do appreciate them. TTTT (I would say 82%)...MITM (out) TA!

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