Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mullets and Scotch and Scoops, Oh My!

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I decided to blog earlier than usual today. I hope nothing exciting happens after I blog and am out and about because I will probably forget to blog about it tomorrow. I still do carry a pen and a small pad of paper with me almost always. I think that became a habit when I was working for newspapers and magazines so, should something amazing happen and I was in the right place at the write time I would be prepared to become Scoop Helser - Ace Reporter! It also came in handy when I temporarily lost my marbles for a couple of months last year. I looked in my notebook and saw where I had left my marbles and I have had them ever since. I just wrote in my notebook that I need to but squirrel food and a tortilla press today and to pay the electric bill. Yes, I am going to begin making my own corn tortillas to see if that works. I really like the small ones we get at that place in Woodstock with the lobster tacos.

Yesterday I got a call from Author House Publishing about wanting to publish my book. I am still in the research portion of my novel and I am already having people call me? How do they even know that I am writing a book? I actually have an idea for a second, totally unrelated to the first, book. I better get my asterisk in gear while the tortilla iron is hot!

Yesterday I took Jeff for a walk through Prairie Park. How do dogs have some much urine in them? I think he stopped at every tree and fire hydrant and sign post on the walk. We walked 6.91 miles and his area has been sufficiently marked. By seeing all of that action I can honestly say that a Matt does pee in the woods. I will say that is just for entertainment purposes and I did not walk into the woods and pee on a tree myself. That would be considered as public urination and would be wrong and against the law. Jeff saw his first freight trains up-close and he saw Disc Golf and did not even run after the discs. He is an amazing Frisbee catcher but I have not been able to teach him to throw them back yet. He does bring them back but doe not like to give them up easily. It looks like it may rain again today and I was going to go to the driving range.
That's not really Jeff. Jeff is a scotch dog not a tea dog

When we got home it was apparent that Jeff was exhausted. Light weight! He crawled under a chair and, I thought he was going to get a ball but, he fell asleep. He slept there for a couple of hours - motionless. For a bit I thought that I had walked him to death. He is fine now so I guess I worked him like a dog, Maybe, since he has four legs it was like him doing 14 miles?

I wonder if the Salvation Navy has any used Disc Golf discs. Huh, now it is raining!

I got done watching Creed. It was not the worst Rocky film but it wasn't the best. Rocky (the first one) was the best one in my opinion. Rocky III was pretty good too - Clubber Land (Mr. T. was a bad-ass). I guess that is why Rocky won Best Picture in 1976 and Creed didn't even get nominated. Stallone didn't win either time though nominated. He was better when he wasn't so punchy in 1976. Rocky IV or Rocky Balboa were the worst in my opinion. Will there be another Rocky? I will not even ruin the ending of Creed by saying whether it is even possible or not.
I am in better shape that this world-class athlete (he has lost weight though)

The rain has stopped so I am going to throw my clubs in the car and head to the store. If I get done shopping and it is still not raining I may find home on the range and do some driving. It will be nice to have the clubs in the back of the JEEP in case someone needs a fourth or there is a pick-up game somewhere anyway. How come there are pick-up basketball games and baseball games but you never hear about pick-up golf rounds? I bet Jeff would like golf; there are lots of trees and signs to pee on on a golf course. I can think of at least 18 right off the top of my head. Thanks for stopping in. I hope you have a great day and can stay dry. It is windy now too so maybe, depending on the direction, I can do some John Daly drives? Without the white mullet. TTT?...MITM (out) TA! Damn it - it is raining again.

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