Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I Should Keep Wearing Clip-Ons it Turns Out

British officers (Bobbies) wore clip-ons but none for them now either
I suppose it is nice that I blog later in the day most days because that means I am getting things done during the day. I had a few meetings earlier today and now I am sans tie again. I have always liked wearing a tie though I was happy when we got a new Police Chief and we didn't have to wear ties at work any longer. Of course, in law enforcement, we wear clip-on ties so perps cannot use our uniforms against us to strangle us. The new Chief made a lot of good changes; I wish he would have changed me to working days so I would still be working every DAY right now.

I think I am going to use all of my job training for a slightly different venture very soon. I cannot expound on that but I am pretty excited. I guess I could but I choose not to - sharing is overrated sometimes.

I think our Primary election in Illinois is this coming Tuesday. Believe or our not I am not 100% sure who I will be voting for. If it were the actual Presidential election I would know now but I will not explain why I am not sure now. I may expound after the Primary if I remember or if someone reminds me. I heard that Jeb Bush is meeting with all of the Republican candidates except Donald Trump to tell them how to beat Donald Trump in the Florida Primary which will also be held Tuesday. I think that is funny but is it just sour grapes from Bush? If you don't like your party's front-runner should you maybe switch sides altogether? Politics are humorous to me. I think they seem to be to a few of the candidates too.

I guess Chipotle's company-wise meeting about properly storing and preparing food was a waste of time. One of Chipotle's restaurants in Massachusetts (just outside of Boston but isn't all of Massachusetts just outside of Boston?) closed after an employee contracted norovirus and two more employees may also have the disease. We just had a second Chipotle open in our town and I bet there are many people going there for the free burritos to make up for them almost killing people awhile back. We got the coupon in the mail and I wouldn't eat there even if they paid me (and I did receive and will not use this coupon / voucher). I am glad my new way of eating makes stomach poisoning against the rules for me but I bet it makes one lose weight! I will do it the old-fashioned way without vomiting and being hospitalized near death. I would sooner wear a non clip-on tie at work than eat at Chipotle.

I am rereading one of my favorite books of all time. It was written by a one-time author who died way to young. Most everyone in the World knows her name. Can you guess the book? There are several clues in the first three sentences of this paragraph if you are a good detective with a clip-on tie.
Splenda and politics both cause cancers in the USA
I just heard a report that Splenda (the artificial sweetener and not my daughter) may contribute to serious health issues like cancer. I love Splenda (both my daughter and the artificial sweetener) so this saddens me - I don't really want cancer; if I did I may have tried smoking a long time ago. According to the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health a study shows that mice given Splenda every day "throughout their lives developed leukemia and other blood cancers." The Center for Science in the Public Interest has always called Splenda safe but now changes their tune and are telling us to stop using it. Why would I believe you now when you were wrong last time? I say the CSPI (if that is their acronym) should just keep their traps shut. If I get cancer from Splenda I want my family to sue the CSPI because they told me it was safe. Maybe I should make a video now so they can show it in the trial after I receive Death By Sweetener! I want that on my urn or my tombstone... and I want my ashes used to sweeten someone's tea. Now I look further and, apparently, people have been using Splenda to kill ants for some time now (so does club soda though I guess). I am going back to tequila - cacti are healthy, right?

Okay, I have spread enough bad news for the day so I am gonna wrap this up. I am sorry if I depressed you today but remember that I am the leader of the band so I will go first. I appreciate you stopping by. Tomorrow is Thursday so I will have more to blog about. I think I am going to watch To Kill a Mockingbird to cheer myself up (the mockingbird probably ate ants who ate Splenda). Last night it was Gran Torino. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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