Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Slightly Zen Blog Today (very slightly)

 Most definitely on the list of people I would like to have known 
It is already 15:35 - time really does fly some days doesn't it? I went and weighed-in today, as I do most every Tuesday and, for the first time the scale did not shine on me. I gained for the for the first time since late December; I gained 0.4 pounds this past week. I had a feeling that I may have not lost this week. I had an omelet with Swiss cheese on Saturday morning in Woodstock, Illinois and that night I ate some grilled salmon vesuvio in Chicago with some vesuvio potatoes. I just now had a Phil Collins song run through my head (I bet you can guess which song). I know it does not sound like a lot but it was out of the recent norm that my body has come accustomed to. I am eating mostly salads (giardeniera for dressing) and fruits and the occasional grilled chicken or turkey. Doing the five miles this morning didn't help much or would I have gained even more without that? I was hoping to break the 25 pounds lost mark today but that will have to wait until next week I suppose. I will more than make-up for this minor set-back.

When I woke-up yesterday I started a list of people though-out history that I would like to have met. I am not sure why I was compelled to start this list but I will share it here when I feel the list is complete. Most of the people are dead but there are a few that are still alive so there is a chance to meet some of them. I think it is probably better not to meet the people that you admire because most of them would probably disappoint you. I remember the first time I met Santa Claus and had visited him many times subsequently and he always seemed to be what he was built-up to be but, as it turned out, I was seeing him with rose-colored glasses.

There are some Super Tuesday elections in many states today. In Illinois we do not have a Primary vote until March 15th. I will be so happy when all of this political nonsense is over. I am certain that people who normally vote, like me, already have their minds made-up as to who they will be voting for; I imagine that people who don't vote normally know who they are voting for too (I will not say what I mean by "normally" but I am sure you can figure-out which way I know is normal). This is just time for a bunch of attention-craving adults to stay in the spotlight just a little longer. We have had ample time to form opinions on who we like and who we know are compete wackos. Many of us have differing opinions on who are which but we pretty much have our minds made-up already. Let's just cut to the chase already! I had tuned-out all of the rhetoric about two months ago even though I still do hear sound-bytes.

I am listening to the Zen station on our DirecTV while I write this. For us the Zen music is on channel 857. I think it should be on channel 00 because that represents infinity. Maybe this will make me a better person even though I am getting fatter 0.4 ounces at a time; at this slow rate of weight-gain I will never achieve the level of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha). I do not believe he was really as large as many statues depict.

I think I have blogged about enough for today. Only two more days until our new house guests will arrive for the stop with us on their journey to a new life. We are very excited to have them come stay with us for as long as they need to and/or want to stay. I think I am okay in small-doses but, maybe they will grow sick of me quickly and be in their way sooner than I hope. I have done many things to change my annoying habits and traits since my dad's brush with death and, though I know I am a better person now, I still have much progress to make. I think everyone can find things to improve in themselves; I am just focusing on my issues and, when I have conquered all of mine (the day after infinity) I will help others with theirs.

Thanks a lot for slowing-down for a bit let me blog your eye off: I appreciate you very much (even the days that I do not blog I think of you). I will probably write tomorrow because this really is a form of meditation for me. I hope to have my list done so I can include the list of the people I would most like to meet or have met throughout history. Tell me some of yours too - maybe you'll mention some that I will not have thought of and we can add to each of our lists. Have a great rest of the day and night and let's hope this new snow and cold that arrived today in this part of the MIDDLEwest has a round-trip ticket back for tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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