Friday, March 11, 2016

I'm On a Mission From Blog!

(Preface - I am not even going to pretend to proofread today - same as usual I suppose)

I don't remember where they used to say this and I don't know why it came to me but, maybe it was in Nebraska when I was a kid - "if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down." I know it had to do with a water shortage when we visited relatives somewhere. It may have been in Nebraska where we seemed to go every year or so to visit my dad's grandparents and family (The Westbrooks). We also had more exciting vacations as kids too but Nebraska seemed to be, at least, semi-annually. You know what, I think it was when we vacationed in California and they had a water shortage out there. It always seems weird to me that places that are near large bodies of water have water shortages.
Maybe Jesus made it so Moses could part my corn tortilla shells? 

I went shopping this morning as I seem to do every single day. The main reason I went back to Target today was to return and exchange the Mission corn tortilla shells that I bought yesterday. When I opened the bag last night I saw that at least ten of the 24 shells had slits down the center halfway across. Since they are yellow (because of the corn, of course) it looked like a PAC-MAN reunion in a plastic bag. The bag was not cut in any way so it must have happened in the factory or someone dropped something on the package. I know they only cost $2.02 but I am a Matt of principal and I was going to the library again anyway.

While I was at the store an aisle was a bit congested so I stepped aside and let a lady come through. I know this is petty but, I really hate it when I am polite (even when I clearly have the right-of-way) and I don't a "thank-you." I always say please and thank-you; it only takes 1.238764 seconds to smile and just a bit more to say "thank-you." Just say "thanks:" that takes even less time. I will not stop being considerate and polite and happy and smiley because of crabby-pants and sourpuss people but come-on; give a brother a little sumpin' sumpin'.
 Good manners even go back before people were here! 

This morning I called again and spoke to the people that called me yesterday and left me a message about a job. Turns-out this job is night work and I am not supposed to do over-nights. I probably could have finagled my way into getting the job but it would have been through dishonesty and deceit and that is not good in any situation, especially if someone is trusting you to protect people and property. I still have that second interview next week and I have feelers out in many places so, it's all good. I am still on the verge of starting my own business too but I cannot discuss what that would be, or will I ever be able to in most cases. I know it sounds all Black Ops and stuff, and it kind of is, but that's I have to say about that.

Something so weird just happened. I decided to write about my dad and how amazingly well he is doing after his medical scare(s) recently and, you will NEVER guess who called me to see if I am feeling better with this cold I have been kicking the butt of. I will give you three guesses who called me. Nope, not Donald Trump. Good guess but not Bernie Sanders. No, not Marco Rubio... it was my dad silly! He is doing great. He is already been told that he can stop doing many of the therapies and the home care people are no longer coming to see him. When I grow-up I wanna be just like my dad (except for the political views that we currently do not share - I will stay myself in that department).

I may go by a new bike this weekend if we have time for that with all of the things we have to do (Woodstock for our secret Saturday rendezvous and then the fun fair later - hey, maybe I will win a bicycle at the funfair - I hear that the workers get tickets for a raffle but I doubt an adult bike is prize). I hope I do not win a prize - it seems disingenuous to volunteer to work at a children's funfair and then win a prize.
I'm bloggin' in a railway station, talkin' from and to the nation...

I think Cha Cha and I might go to another concert this summer (in addition to Fogerty). We might so see Paul Simon too. Aren't we such socialites lately? Rumor has it that PS wants me to be his Garfunkel but I know that is just a rumor made-up by some hack blogger sittin' at a railway station. Thant makes me think - I wish Illinois Senator Paul Simon were still alive. I loved when he commented on things: I cannot imagine what he would have to say about the state of the political areas today.

Okay, I am having trouble focusing with a stuff-up nose and an itchy throat. Thank you very much for stopping by. I will probably (almost definitely) not blog tomorrow. Cha Cha and I may go see a movie tonight so, if we do, Sunday's blog will be worth the price of admission with the fun fair and the movie. Have a great rest of today and a mahvelous Saturday. And be kind and polite to everyone until them please. TTTS?...MITM (out) TA!

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