Thursday, March 10, 2016

By Stock In Me Before Today's Closing Bell

Man, another busy day. I went to a couple of stores (Target and Schnuck's) for groceries. I planned on just going to Target but they didn't have some of the exact things that Cha Cha wanted so I went to Schnuck's for those things. Oh yeah, I also stopped at Lowe's for seed and suet and corn for the birds and the squirrels. When I got home there were three dogs Jeff and two others the sizes of gazelles (Kona and Harley) on the patio so I distributed some pipe bones and put the groceries away and fed the birds and squirrel.

I stopped at the library before the stores and got a couple of books, three music CD's and one DVD. I love that the JEEP lets us copy CD's to the hard-drive of the stereo system. I am much more comfortable at the library now that I have been there four or five times. They have a state-of-the-art system for checking books in and out which is pretty simple once you know it and the DVD check-out was rather confusing the first couple of times but now I know that one too. Maybe I should get a job at the library?

Speaking of that, I took a couple of new Civil Service exams today at my work's Human Resources Department so I am on a couple more waiting lists now. I also have a second interview set-up for a radio station that I applied to awhile back. It's a smaller radio station but it is part of a giant radio network and the pay is good. Wolfman Jack and Dick Clark and Howard Stern and Rick Dees... all started at small stations and I know their names!

Weird, just as I got done writing that last paragraph I received a call from another company (a private security company) that I applied to - I guess I am in high demand right at the moment. They are going to call me back in a few minutes to set up a time to meet with me. I think you'd better call your broker and buy stock in me before the price goes up (I wish). I am delighted that I am in such temporary high demand. My only worry is that it will be overnight work and my doctor has not cleared me to work overnights. If I could work overnights I would just go back to my own P.D. - you cannot get much closer to home. Rules and regulations need to be enforced during daytime hours too, right? I have a nearly life-long friend who worked for a police department for many years and now he is in private security and he seems pretty happy. Maybe  I should get a few more Hawaiian shirts (actually I have too many already) so I can do the Thomas Magnum thing.

So now President Obama is taking heat for not attending Nancy Reagan's funeral. The last five former first ladies who died (Ford, Johnson, Nixon, Eisenhower and Truman) had their funerals attended by the sitting First Ladies and none of the Presidents. Were those Presidents whose wives (including Michelle Obama when Betty Ford died) given the business for attending to Presidential duties? What is different this time? Is it because it is an election year? Does it have to do with a Supreme Court Justice dying recently? Is it because the GOP is openly racist now and they were still hiding in their hoods when Betty Ford died? The division this two-party system causes in this country infuriates me. How about no more party system? Parties are supposed to be fun - let's not call them parties anymore let's call them The Democratic and Republican Pains or Jokes or Nonsense. I don't consider this paragraph political since it addresses all of politics in America and not one party or another (I guess it does imply it but my conclusion is that American politics are infantile).
Hey, they are all Caucasians!

I had better end now so I will be ready when my phone rings again. I hope you are having a good day and it continues to the night. I appreciate you checking-out what up in this hizzie. I will be back with more nonsense or griping or stupidity tomorrow I think. Hey, tomorrow is Friday - that means I have to get the garbage to the curb tonight (thanks for the reminder). Oh, phones ringing - TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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