Monday, November 23, 2015

Willing To Sacrifice!

And I am, technically, a Foreigner 
Saturday I shoveled the driveway twice. Once in the morning about 09:00 and then again in the evening at about 18:00. I would say that we got about six inches or so of snow on Saturday. The second time I shoveled I listened to Pandora through the earbuds. I played the AC/DC station because I figured that they would pump me up and I like them a great deal. The first song was T.N.T. by AC/DC and the second song was a song by Foreigner. Can you guess what would be the song of Foreigner's that played while I shoveled? It was Cold As Ice; of course it was. Then Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin followed by Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Most of the songs fit other than Stairway To Heaven; if I have to walk I ain't going. By the time I had finished Highway To Hell had not played but I am sure it was waiting in the wings. I must have shoveled too quickly. I think I need to get the snowblower fired-up before the next snow,though, I did like getting the exercise and the extra steps on my APP. Maybe I will walk to Heaven if I make the cut so I can get the steps for that too. Smart money is that I will be more likely to walk downhill. I feet looked out about a half-hour later and the snowplows pushed the snow from the street across the end of the driveway. One of the bad parts of living in a cul-de-sac. I even shoveled about seven or eight into the street in hopes that this would not happen. When will I learn?

I got a message Saturday from one of my more faithful readers Linda Bee Gee (she is related to the brothers Gibb I think) asking for photos of before and after the kitchen cupboard remodel. I will have to check and see what I can find. I did not think to do before and after photos. I am not quite finished as the cupboard door nobs and drawer handles need to be installed. The cupboards did not originally have handles or nobs so this will be fun. I told Cha Cha that she has to mark where the holes go and I will drill the holes and attach the hardware. I want to share in the responsibility if they are nor level. Linda went on to say that she felt she "was there staining and waiting, more staining, etc..." That made me feel good that my writing actually painted (no pun intended) a picture. I believe that is what writing is supposed to do. So, thank you Linda for that nice compliment and I will try to find some photos. I just now got done putting up the trim and I will do some minor caulking later.
Born (or operated-on) to have triplets!

We bought the large turkey with two additional breasts. Three breasts is not as unusual as you may think. I, for one, an a breast-man. I think some people like thighs and wings but I like breasts. I do not want to anger three-quarters of the fowl population in the world. We bought them frozen and put them in the refrigerator a couple days ago and they are still frozen. I suppose tomorrow, if they still feel like bowling balls, I will put them in the sinks and let them thaw awhile and then put them back in the fridge until Wednesday night / Thursday morning. I may even start pairing the tables and chairs tomorrow afternoon. No, probably Wednesday since they will take up a lot of room. We are going to make it one longs table like at Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving. I may throw some jelly beans, popcorn, pretzels and toast on the table to see if anybody says anything. I will just say that it was Jeff's idea.

I am excited that Splenda will be home for Thanksgiving. Jill's bother and his family are coming over, plus one boyfriend of one of our nieces, my parents will be here and, of course, Cha Cha, I and Fabio (maybe a plus one?) will also be here. Oh yeah, and Jeff will be patrolling the grounds for dropped morsels or any hand-outs he can coax from one of us saps. I like Thanksgiving because it is just about family. No religious undertones or overtones, no stress of buying the right gifts for everyone... The only pressures are to make a nice meal and not burp (or anything) and try to get somebody else to do the clean-up Thanksgiving is a pretty good day until the greedy Mr. and Mrs. Potters of America turn the night into Black Friday Eve. Greed and capitalism still rule our country' -you ain't ever gonna change that.

There is talk of a lot of storms arriving on Thanksgiving day. Our area, at this point, is only supposed to get rain but there are many areas that will probably get snow and ice. I will take the rain as it will get rid of much of our snow. With all this talk of food I am starting to wonder what I should make for dinner tonight. I wish Thanksgiving was yesterday because then we would have turkey sandwiches for dinner. It is Meatless Monday so turkey would not work anyway, now that I think of it. I was thinking maybe spaghetti but last week we had manicotti and I don't want to turn Mondays into meatless Italian night because Wednesdays are already Italian night. Mothers have been facing this dilemma since the beginning of families. Backed potatoes are always good. Quesadillas with cheese, of course, and maybe spinach, onions, tomatoes, corn...? Vegetable egg rolls sound good. eggs/omelets, tomato soup... I will figure something out before I go buy the caulk and get dinner supplies. Maybe we will have the toast, popcorn, pretzels and jelly beans tonight? Problem solved - thank you Snoopy!

My idle hands are getting antsy so I had better go get my caulk and such. I hope you have a great day and the next snow doesn't hit you until closer to Christmas. Thank you for coming by. I will try to get some kitchen project photos together over the next few days now that I know that there is, at least, some interest it that. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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