Saturday, November 7, 2015

I Will Just Confer (and Blog) with the Flowers

No longer on my daily todo list
Why do they have advertisements/commercials on Words With Friends in Spanish when I cannot use Spanish words in the game? I am not sure they are hitting their target audience there? I only listen/watch the first three seconds until they allow me to "skip" the ad anyway so, I suppose I am not the target audience, even in English. Is there a Spanish version of Words With Friends? Are there other language versions too? I bet most other countries don't waste time playing these dumb things. I started playing quite a few games to keep my memory from totally disappearing. I was playing one game that showed four pictures that would be loosely linked by one common word. I played that one off-and-on and then yesterday I solved my 1064th puzzle over the last several months and they said I had to download the next version. I suppose that means I won the game and had to move to the next level. So, I deleted that APP from my phone and now I have one less thing on my daily todo list.

Don't tell Jill but, I have still been having several spells off-and-on; probably five or six a week. That is quite a bit down from awhile back. I did tell her about the one time that I passed-out since my last doctor's appointment. My next neurologist appointment is on the 17th and I will just go alone. I am not keeping a list of all the days I have spells because they didn't seem all that interested the last time I went in with a list of all of my spells with the dates and times and durations. I don't even remember which day I lost consciousness since my last visit to see him. As far as I am concerned this is the way I will be forever. Fortunately, I always have a few warnings a bit before the spells commence and, if I am driving, I can just pull-over. So far that has not happened. I wonder if that has something to do with concentrating on something and my mind just falls asleep when it isn't being properly stimulated? If "if's" and "buts" were candies and nuts I wouldn't be one (a nut that is).

Thursday night Jill and I were on the way to Chicago and she was looking at her phone (she was not driving - so don't worry). She turned to me and asked, "does your Pandora ever just add stations to you list?" It's all that I could do not burst-out laughing. She continued to say. "like The Chipmunks... I wonder if Noah is punking me and adding stations." I started laughing and asked, "you mean stations like The Banana Splits?" "Was it you?" she asked. I burst-out laughing and fessed-up. I did not sell-out my inspirer (although it would be EZ to do). I could have played it out and said that I had been getting stations added to mine too and said "it is probably a setting or something" but I came clean.

Today Cha Cha and I, before we go to dinner and the Dean and Jerry Tribute, are going back to Menard's and buying a solid color of paint/stain... to redo the cupboards that I spent an entire week refinishing. They are not as light as she had hoped. So now I will have to repaint them again. Is she just trying to drive me that short distance I have left to reaching insanity?
I'd like to buy a brain Alex

Speaking of insanity - Ben Carson has apparently played right into Donald Trump's hand (Donald played his Trump card). I think I give Trump too much credit. One day Carson says he never received a West Point scholarship as he has said many times over the years and then, another day, he says that the Egyptian pyramids were actually for grain storage rather than tombs. I suppose all of the sarcophaguses (if that is the plural or sarcophagus though it is probably sarcophagi) with wrapped human remains were for effect. I do not see out next President being a candidate from the GOP unless the smart ones are just waiting to announce their candidacy after these dudes have made it easier on the new one. I should hang-out with Doctor Ben - I would be the normal one.

I am out of blogging gas so I guess I may as well end. I hope you have a great day and a wonderful rest of your weekend. I am pretty sure I will not blog again until Monday. I finished the one book I was reading and I will start another either late tonight or tomorrow before we continue birthday celebration weekend (my dad and Jill's sister Heather). Why do we celebrate birthdays? We didn't really do anything other than live another 365 (occasionally 366 days)

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