Friday, November 13, 2015

I think I am a Triskaidekleptomaniac

 The term "smoking jacket" seems more classy but I am a realist (sometimes) 
Who steals the belt off of a guy's robe? I am thinking we must have robe belt gnomes in the house. So, I just put on my belt-less robe and took the garbage to the curb this morning. I did have my pajamas on underneath so there was not a chance of exposing my twig and berries to the horror of the neighborhood and YouTube. I didn't take the trash out last night, as I normally would do, because the winds were still whipping pretty good. It still is kind of windy but the alternative is that we have double the garbage next week and the rolling bins that they give us are both full (the recycle one and the regular refuse one). I even put them in the garage yesterday because the wind blew them to the MIDDLE of the driveway. I understand the colder weather in the autumn and winter but why does it also have to always be windy? Maybe we just call it windy in those months and we call it a nice Spring or Summer breeze when it is warmer outside.

Jeff is outside barking up at the trees again (the squirrel). I am going to have to check the house and see if that rascal rodent has found a way into our attic. Where else would a squirrel live in the winter? I don't hear scurrying in the ceiling at night so he/she probably has a nest somewhere. I have some investigating to do when the wind allows my robe to stay closed without a belt. I suppose I could just put on big-people clothes but what would all of my bunnies think if I wore real clothes?

I am not sure why I stopped drinking coconut water but I have stopped stopping and am drinking coconut water again. I really like it. I will still drink, primarily, regular plain water though. When we go out I will usually have iced tea or, sometimes, just water. I don;t know why I felt compelled to tell you that but it seemed important before I wrote it.

I am about 2/3 done with one of the two books I still have from the library. I hope to finish this one sometime today/tonight. These two aren't due back until the 19th so there is not too much hurry. I have been taking them back to the library as I finish them because, the state of my mind right now, if I don't do that I will end-up racking-up some late fees. Who needs late fees? That kind of defeats the purpose of borrowing books from the library. If I am going to pay late fees I may as well just buy the books. I suppose "late fees" are more for video rentals and I should use the term "past due" fees.

Wow, now it is 14:23 and I have been to Menard's to get the top coat of paint for the kitchen cupboards, Had lunch at Panera. painted all of the cupboard doors (fist coat of outsides), painted all of the upper cabinets, vacuumed the Tiki Room and dumped all of the bird seed that I have dropped feeding the birds over the last couple of weeks, fed them for the second time today because it is getting colder and I figure they need more food to develop their top feathers (I am basing that on nothing other than me getting fatter to stay warmer for the winter) and then I remembered that I didn't finish the blog. That all came in handy as it gave me an entire new paragraph to write.

I am really going to miss driving with Cha Cha to Chicago every Thursday night now that her class is over; she really is my very best friend. I hope I die before her because I don't think I want to be alive without her around. I will be one of those old codgers that will die weeks after she is gone from sheer sorrow and loss. Or maybe I will use the insurance money to go die somewhere nice. It will not be Florida. Maybe the south of France or Trinidad. It will not be Luxembourg because those people were rude. Czech Republic was nice. I would want to stay closer to the kids too so, I guess they would just have to come with me. Jamaica? Amsterdam? Maybe Kauai would be good - free coconut water. I have often, my whole life, whether it would be better to die before my spouse of after her. I see the pros and cons to both. If she dies first I will miss her too much but, if I die first she might be sad. Together seems like the best way I guess but then it is tougher on the kids. She is nicer and smarter than me so she would be better to stay here for the kids. I think I would rather go first - that would be better for all involved. I just hope it isn't for at least a couple of years though - I really want to get these cupboards done before I go. I would have been done had the color not been changed for me several times. I think they will be about three inches and bullet-proof before I am done. They are now going to be white.
 I stole this photo! 

Okay, I am going to end now. I hope you have had a good Friday the 13th so far. My favorite number has always been 13 and I love Fridays for several reasons (weekend begins, typically payday, fish-frys...) so Friday the 13th hit me right in my wheel-house. If you have ever gone to one of those places where there is a thing on the counter that says "take a number" and the 13 was missing I, most likely, was there and took it. Kind of an odd collection / hobby huh? I guess I have triskaideklepaphilia combine with kleptomania so that would make me a triskaidekaphleptomaniac maybe?

Thanks for stopping, I appreciate you stopping-in and for the comments you send me. I am pretty sure I will blog again tomorrow. Jill and I are thinking about seeing the new James Bond movie so I don't know exactly when. We may not even see the film tomorrow, who knows? Have a great rest of your Friday the 13th. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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