Friday, November 27, 2015

I Cannot Wait to Buy a Fartblaster!

 I should probably drink Fat Gut but I have to invent it first 
I know I said I wouldn't blog today but I said I would blog yesterday and I didn't so, two negatives equal a positive to I should be back in the MIDDLE by writing this one. I was so damn darn busy yesterday that I did not have one second to do anything but setting-up tables and making stuffing and mashed potatoes and cooking three turkeys... I could fill the entire blog with what was accomplished. Yesterday I got up at 03:00 to start the turkeys cooking for eight hours. Since I was so tired I pulled a Julia Child and did shots of Fat Ass reposado tequila and drank Moscato so I wouldn't be crabby during dinner. I think it worked because I did not get yelled at for being an old poop.

Dinner with the families (one dinner combining by side and Cha Cha's side) has worked very well for the past couple of years. We had eleven people here. Today I am working on the tear-down. I took all of the stuff off the table and started washing the table cloth and the napkins... I am not sure how we are going to get all of the leftovers into the refrigerator. Everything is in plastic containers on the counter and I will see who is going to do leftovers and hope the number of items is smaller before then. Nobody really wanted to take too many leftovers which did not help. Perhaps the food was not as good as I thought it was. Who cares? They got a free meal and they brought pie so, for me, it was successful; I suppose that could be the wine and resposado talking?

Either today or tomorrow Jill and I are going out to buy a new dishwasher. This GE is the one that we bought when we built this house about ten years ago or so; it has seen better days. I am going to have them, whoever "them"  turns out to be, install it and take away the old one.

We have free Cinemax right now and I am watching The Great Waldo Pepper. I really like Robert Redford. Every holiday I check the premiums and see if they are free. More times than not one of the premium (movie channels) stations have free "previews." We subscribe to HBO so I never know when that one is free but I am guessing it is free this weekend with Cinemax.
I may be totally lost because I never got the Fartblaster 1

Oh yeah, we also have to do some shopping for refugees and children of lower-income families who wouldn't get gifts if it weren't for people realizing that the world is a global community and all children are our children. We just got new dishes and silverware and drinking glasses so we will give those to the refugees and Jill picked four children off of their giving tree (or whatever they call it) at her work. Both of these things (children and refugees) are from her work. She picked four kids to buy gifts for because. with me and Cha Cha and Fabio and Splenda (who is home here until Saturday or Sunday) that is one gift from each of us. One of the kids wants the Fartblaster 2 so you know damn good and well that will be the one I will buy. I am thinking about getting one for me too though I don't normally need assistance in that defartment.

I am still having some spells now and then - this has nothing to do with the Fartblaster. I am not sure they will ever be gone. Maybe, if I get into Mayo Clinic, they will be able to get to the bottom of what is going on?

I have to go start another load of dishes. I would do them my hand but it is difficult to wash and dry by one's self because of the space limitations. If I were to get an assistant I would do that but I am not going to wake the two that stayed-up nearly all night and Cha Cha works non-stop for her job and she deserves a break. I will be a Matt of all trades in the kitchen department during the entire Thanksgiving holiday. I have no issues with that.

It is nice having Splenda home for the holiday. The next time we will see her is when we go down to Carbondale to watch her graduate. Jill and I both went to SIU-C so it is always fun going back there. Unless Fabio ends-up transferring to SIU this will be the last time we will probably ever be there. I do not know why but that seems sad to me.

Okay, I still have lots to do and it is almost noon. Have a great rest of your Friday. I think I will have time to blog tomorrow as all the commotion has dies-down for now. Thank you for stopping by - I am thankful for you (I even thought that yesterday when I was cooking and doing shots of tequila. TTTT...MITH (out) TA!

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