Saturday, October 24, 2015

Missed Going to Mayo by That Much!

I am gonna smile like this the entire time too
I have volunteered to take a total stranger approximately 303 miles north into southern Minnesota to Mayo Clinic. I do not know what she is going for but I know that I will be gone for three or four days. I am in a rare situation where I have time available and I like doing good things for people so it seemed like a good fit. Maybe my having time on my hands was meant for this one opportunity to aid another fellow human being. I don't know too many specifics yet but I will know this afternoon when I speak with my contact (code name - CONTACT). I do know that the person I am body-guarding uses English as a second language and I know that this person's primary language is what I would consider my second language (German). I am better at Pig Latin than German but I don't find many people who speak that any more; and they call Latin and Sanskrit dead languages. I am even giving up my second-to-last trip to Chicago with Cha Cha for this; Mayo Clinic seems more pressing. I wonder if she will sit in the back? I will tell her to call me Hoke and I will call her Miss Daisy. I don't even know her name yet but it would be pretty funny that, if it turned out, that her name is Daisy. I am not sure is Daisy is much of a German name but maybe I can call her Miss Ganseblumchen (pretend there are umlauts above the A and the U in that last word - stupid English keyboard with no non-English letters). Maybe I will grow a mustache between now and the trip. I wonder if Miss Ganseblumshen would appreciate my crushable hat (made in Germany) more than my last travelling partner did/does. Gasenblumshen was Miss Daisy's last name if you don;t recall.

I had plans of going to go to The Illinois Holocaust Museum today but those plans changed. I had forgotten, but Cha Cha reminded me, that we went there a couple of years ago when we interviewed Magda Brown, a Holocaust survivor, for our podcast. We did not go through the museum but just met and interviewed her in one of the conference rooms. That is not the reason we are not going. It just turns-out that we have lots of other things to do.
Actually, I was never really hired
Never-mind two paragraphs ago because she found out that I a man (obviously she doesn't know me) and she was concerned about the hotel room situation. I figured she was going to stay at Mayo Clinic and that would not be an issue. I am a bit disappointed because when I spoke with our dealer (I am not sure what to call our MIDDLE person) I thought it would be nice to get to know Miss Gasenblumshen. I think it may have even been valuable for the novel I am working on (I didn't realize that I was being fired from a charity think I was never really hired to do). Oh well, now I can go with Cha Cha to Chicago again this week and I will be here to hand out Halloween candy.

Again I am finishing this later than usual. It is 17:35 now; I started to write this about 09:00. Jill and I went out and ran a bunch or errands. Don;t tell her I blogged this but she is a very slow shopper. I like the old in-out-in-out and I have perfected that. Town was pretty quiet because there is a Northern Illinois University home football game today so there was tailgating and all of that fun stuff. Working football games were always really long days so I am not sorry that I am not working today. Those week's pay checks were pretty good though.

I did not realize the cannon was an issue. See, the blog even teaches me new things
I am not sure what we are doing for dinner. Fabio has a friend over (seems like a special friend - wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean, say no more) so maybe pizza would be a good idea. I don't want to drive anywhere near campus right now until about tomorrow. Okay, that is solved - Pizza Villa will arrive at the door in about 45 minutes. They can battle the co-eds crossing the streets whenever and wherever and they want and the possible crazy traffic. NIU must not have scored yet because I have not hear the cannon go off yet.I just checked and NIU is winning with 16 seconds left in the game. The cannon must be broken. Poor Pizza Villa guy/gal is in for quite a drive. I will have to juice the tip up a bit. I bet tips really stink for delivery people in a college town except by people who have ever or currently do work in the service industry.  Ha, I hear the victory bell ringing now so the game must be over.

I am gonna end now because my neck hurts. I will just wait for pizza with my eyes closed. Have a great rest of your night. I doubt that I will blog tomorrow as I think I am going to spend most of the day researching for my forthcoming best seller. I sure hope they allow me to be involved in the screenwriting process once it is bought for film. I may be getting ahead of the project's self. I will finish the research for now and then I will move to step two. TTTM (or maybe tomorrow)...MITM (out) TA!

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