Saturday, October 17, 2015

Free Viagra Commercial Blog!

"Men need Viagra for their oblong-shaped balls to get into my end zone!"
I am pretty upset about the baseball playoffs. Yes, I wanted the Cardinals to continue playing and go on to the World Series but I got over that the minute hour they were eliminated. I am still watching some of the play-off games, though not as religiously as I was when my team was in the race, yet my tension continues. The Cubs start their play-off series against the Mets tonight and I think I will use that time to do my shopping as the stores will be empty. The reason I am upset, however, is why in the Hell do they show Viagra commercials during nearly every single commercial break during the games?  And, why do they have VIAGRA in all capital letters - subtly erect? Fortunately, I am not in need of this product but, even if I were, I would be able to figure-out where to find the product and I also wouldn't need to be reminded about my problem by some hot chick holding a football and wearing a football jersey every five to ten minutes. I have not watched much football this season but, maybe, this commercial was made for all of the impudent men who watch men hugging each other and reaching between one another's legs to get a ball and they thought, "hey, impudent dudes watch baseball too!" Perhaps they should have made a different commercial with a woman in catcher's gear catching balls for the MLB post-season. I was going to suggest hockey too but hockey doesn't have balls. But there are: soccer and tennis and golf and rugby... Golf would make the most sense because usually older guys, who may need their putters straight, would be watching golf. I cannot believe play-off commercials are very cheap so this Viagra must have gold dust or cocaine or something in it. They should at least make them funny. Though, perhaps, men who have flagpole issues are a bit more sensitive and they would be bummed-out by a humorous commercial about their issue. How about someone like Johnny Depp or Bradley Cooper... or some big actor telling us how Viagra is cool and that average joes could look like them and get Hollywood actresses? I bet they don't advertise during college games.

I am watching the new episode/season premier of Nathan For You. I love this show. If you haven't seen it you should give it a shot. Nathan helps small businesses with their marketing and sales models to grow their businesses. He uses many unorthodox ideas and quite a few shady promotions, loopholes and fine prints to make it hilarious. Luckily, I have several others from last season still saved on the DVR so I may have to keep watching others when this one is over. I am pretty sure that a lot of the things we see are acting rather than real investigation because - WHY ARE THERE CAMERAS ON OUR DATE?...
It sounds like Fabio is going to be moving out soon. All of a sudden we are going to have three bedrooms too many (four if you count the one in the basement). Maybe I will die and then Jill can start Ma Helser's Boarding House? We do live in a college town so filling the rooms would not be difficult if we wanted to. I imagine there is something against out neighborhood covenant but I have already cut ties with the hood and we would only be renting to our nieces and nephews anyway (wink wink nudge nudge know what I mean so no more).

I am going to quit now because my mind has gone limp on ideas to write about today. I think Jill and I will find something unusual to do today. Maybe we will take Jeff over to the large dog park over on Keslinger Road here in town (at least close to our town if not officially in out town). I know it is before County Line Road so it is, at least, in our county which is named the same as our town. It is so handy to have one of our borders (as in Border Collie) marked by County Line Road.

I wish you a fantastic autumn day unless you are in a part of the world where it isn't autumn then I wish you that kind of a good day. I am delighted that you stopped-in today. I will not blog tomorrow because (fill in the lame excuse of your choice and I will select a winner next week). TTTMonday...MITM (out) TA!

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