Tuesday, September 16, 2014

No News is Good News of All News is Bad News?

He was like a drug dealer 
I never remember whether I have blogged something or just thought it so forgive me if I reblog myself. I think, if I am still thinking it and I am reblogging it, it is work reblogging maybe? So, now with that big build-up... why do we buy products that make us need the products even more later? I am not talking about drugs per se rather things like lip balm. My lips grow a little chapped so I apply Burt's Bees or Chapstick. Then, in about an hour later or so my lips are chapped even more and then I chew my lips and then they are bleeding and hurting. I think moisturizer is kind of the same way. Nose spray too.

I got some potentially good news last night but I cannot say anything about it (I think that includes blogging) so I am not sure why I am saying that. Why do we say stuff like that? So that others know we can keep a secret. So we can be like, "I know something that you don't?" I will tell you when I can.

Turns out I am working one of my days off again this week. I could work both Thursday and Friday but I chose just to work Friday. I cannot work any more weeks with zero days off if it is my choice; I am too old and tired for that. So, I will work five hours and get COMP time for seven-and-a-half. I am taking one night off Wednesday to go to Wrigley Field to see the Cardinals and then, if I get the, approved, I am taking two days off in October to go to Southern Illinois to visit Splenda. All of those extra hours I have banked are coming in handy already. One problem is I am not sure when we are going to be able to record the next Dirty Laundry Podcast. Maybe tomorrow?
I don't really know what's going on in the world today so I cannot really blog about current events. Everything I can think of it sad or evil. Why do the news reports mostly report on bad things? I nevr even watch the news anymore. I haven't for several years. The Chicago news will report about a house fire just because their helicopter flew by or somebody called it in. A house fire is tragic, yes, but how is it news? How does that impact the millions of people watching the show? Frightening people must be big money. Is it just that, even local news programs these days, have to fill hours and hours of air time,

I have to make dinner and hit the rack. Thanks for slowing down for a few. I hope you have a great night (tomorrow is hump day for you (probably) so, you have that going for you which is nice. I will probably blog again tomorrow - I will try to find out some things that are going on that I can blog about. TTTT...MITM (out)

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