Monday, September 15, 2014

Bees In My Blogget

Give me a B, a bouncy B
I have a few bees in my bonnet today. Hit it Roz

You would think with as many years that I have lived in homes surrounded by corn and soy beans and such I would know a little something about farming. I married a farmer's daughter and still nothing. Early in our marriage we lived in a barn that was converted into a house and I still cannot tell the difference between beans and sunflowers when they are in the early stages. Why do we have so many bees (not beads - that is a joke from this week's Dirty Laundry Podcast) in our house lately? Maybe they're wasps? I just caught three that were all huddled together on the window planning a take-over coup of the house. They are so stupid; they are all together on the window so I could scoop them up with one paper towel. I don't kill things (other than brain cells) so I catch-and-release even bugs. I took the paper towel outside and let them go. The only way I will kill something is if it comes down to an "it or me" scenario. But, why so many of these black and yellow striped flying things? We leave the patio door open now that the backyard is fenced-in so Jeff can come and go as he pleases (only when we are home and awake, of course). Are the farmers pollinating things this time of year? It is very ironic (not sure if it is true irony - more coincidence) that we talked about bees on this week's show.

Another bee in my blogget is/are license stickers. Why do we have to pay for new stickers every year for our plates? I just got postcards in the mail letting me know that the Fiat and the Jeep need new stickers by October 31 - Halloween, how appropriate. The 4Runner just got a new sticker last month and, of course, since we just bought the Explorer that has a new sticker because we had to buy plates and a sticker. So, within about three months, we have spent / will spend about $600 on those little stickers. And, the Fiat has ecology plates so that one is $40 more that the other ones. Does that extra money go to the some ecological program? I assume that is so; we can probably take that off our taxes as a charitable donation, right? I am getting crabbier than usual today. I just get it out here and then I appear 60% normal in the real world. Okay, 54%.
Some have learned nothing

Is anybody surprised that these issues of violence are coming out about NFL players when they are off the field? They are trained and dedicate their lives to being brutal. They take drugs that screw with their brains and their hormones kind of like the Gama Rays that screwed with Bruce Banner and made him turn into the incredible Hulk.  Does anybody think that Leonidas was a great father like they depict in the film 300? I am happy that the teams and the NFL are actually taking action on these incidents. I wonder, if the press and social media weren't the way that it is, if they would just have swept it under the rug. Say what you will about social media,,, but it sure does hold people who are  normally being jerks accountable these days. Ray Rice knocking his wife out cold and then dragging her out of the elevator and then using his feet to move her motionless body around like a large roast in a walk-in freezer. And, Adrian Peterson beat his child so badly that it looked like something out of Twelve Years a Slave. Coincidentally, I am watching Glory on Sundance and the scene where Denzel Washington gets beaten for looking for shoes was just on. That is a horrifying and moving scene and he was an adult and it was pretend (acting) and it still gut-wrenching. Beating kids and women is much worse. When I was a kid, and I know that I have blogged about it before, my brother and I were beaten with a belt all the time; sometimes with the buckle end. We had welts all over our bodies. I cannot imagine my parents doing anything like that now. They are very nice and caring people. What drives people to get this angry? I am the guy who captures bees and wasps and flies in his hands and lets them free outside. Am I this way because of getting beaten back then? Do I just know what is right? We have never hit either of our kids.  We sure did scream a lot back in the old days and we had grounded and taken video games away for awhile and such but never have hit. There is NO REASON to hit a child.

I sure had a lot on my opinionated mind today didn't I? I have lots more I could include but that is enough for today. I am just happy that I surround myself with people who know these things are wrong. I suppose you never really know what goes on behind closed doors but I have always felt that I have a pretty good read on people. I know lots of people that I consider mean or unkind... but I am forced to interact with (coworkers, "customers,"acquaintances...) and I just try to limit that to a need-to-interact basis. That's enough, Thank you for letting me spout my niceness propaganda. Have a great rest of your Monday (my Wednesday but it sounds like there is more overtime coming over the next few weeks which will skew that but, that will be a blog for many other days I am afraid). TTTT...MITM (out)

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