Friday, September 19, 2014

Being Crazy is Scary. I Do Like the Idea of a Boobie Hatch Though

Last night was a good night to have off work. The St. Louis Cardinals went extra innings against the Brewers and won in 13 innings AND it was on one of the ESPNs. I guess it would be ESPN The Nueve since it was on channel 209. The game ended at about midnight. Their magic number is now eight (The Ocho). I don't really care about that stuff. They WILL make the play-offs so I don't really need all of the hype built by THE MAN. I am excited about baseball and don't need their lame-o help.

Today 'tis Talk Like a Pirate Day. It seems more like it's Facebook Post Like a Pirate Day than TALK like one. Other than in pirate films and Pirates of Penzance and Dodgeball I don't think we actually hear people talk like a pirate today do we? I must admit that I have "ARRRRRRRR" running through my head though. That's me though - I am as simple-minded as a rum-soaked pirate. I am surprised that there aren't a bunch of pirate movies on today; that seems to be the modes operandi of a lot of the networks these days.

Ha, I just thought about the National League Central - I hope the landlubbin, hornswagglin,' sons-of-biscuit eatin' Pittsburgh Pirates walk the plank soon and spend the rest of the season in Davey Jones' locker like the shark bait that they aRRRRRRRe.

Remember several weeks ago when I told you about my malady where I would all of a sudden feel like I have jumped into someone else's mind/life (most recently Mickey Dolenz)? Well, it just happened again right now. This time I transported into Kevin Kline's mind/body/life...whatever. On Talk Like a Pirate Day I become the man who played Douglas Fairbanks in Chaplin who played pirates in many of his films.
He does look quite a bit like Sideshow Bob
It is now ten minutes later and it just happened again. Cha Cha witnessed this one. I didn't transport into somebody else's body/mind this time. I just felt like I was going to puke and I had a weird smell/feeling in my nose. Oddly, Cha Cha and I were watching television (me blogging and she having her morning cup of joe) and there was a story about Adam Duritz' (most famously known as the lead man of Counting Crows) having something called Depersonalization Disorder. He says it is "hard to explain, but you feel untethered. And because nothing seems real, it’s hard to connect with the world or the people in it because they’re not there. You’re not there." So, now I have been reading a lot about this and it sounds like what this may be. Isn't that how it always works though? You read something or hear something and then you are convinced that you have that thing? So, now, I think I may be bordering on crazy. I suppose I have always been walking that thin line though. If I become a Cubs' fan we'll know that I am crackers. If I am crazy the blog and Dirty Laundry Podcast will surely both get a lot more entertaining. Isn't this the point where I am supposed to hire a personal assistant and get handicapped plates or something? In all seriousness, I should probably go see someone who knows something about this stuff. This really would explain a lot. Maybe "jumping" into these other people's bodies is early schizophrenia? I could really have some fun with that one. Duritz says, "being crazy is scary." I would say that even the thought that I may be crazy is a little scary. Maybe it's just an allergy? Maybe I am just sleepy. I knew I shouldn't have eaten that blowfish/puffer fish/jelly fish sushi but it was so delicious

Well, I am going to go and walk around the neighborhood naked now. Thanks for being here in the early to MIDDLE stages of my dementia. I expect readership will go up considerably as I get loonier and toonier and you can say, "I read the blog when I just thought he was crazy but now I feel bad because he actually IS crazy." Have a great Friday while I am raking-in the OT tonight. I may blog tomorrow but, I probably won't know the difference anyway. TTT?...MITM (bonkers) OUT!

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