Saturday, August 25, 2012

I Dropped a Blog on You ...Baby!

Hit it Roz (this was "kinda" Cha Cha and my song when we met)

This is my 690th blog....what a loser o what a winner? I love writing so I guess I will say winner. And to know people, YOU, read this makes it all the better. If I were in a newspaper or something like that I wouldn't know that you were actually reading this even though the newspaper's circulation was high but with the blog I can see how many hundred people read it every day and it's only to read this blog not to see the news or the sports or the television listings. Thank you very much for making a writer write..."a writer writes, always."

I saw that a show called Bomb Girls is going to begin on REELZ in September. This REELZ channel first got on the radar when they ran the mini series The Kennedys last year and they seem to be growing with original series. Bomb Girls looks pretty good. The show is about women working in a munitions factory making bombs while the men were away fighting the war. It's probably just like all shows are now - a soap opera surrounded by a story and without the soap commercials. Aren't all shows really just soap operas? Anyway, I saw that it premieres on September 11th. Do you think that it's a coincidence that a show about making bombs starts on 9-11? Maybe they were hoping by doing that some stupid blogger would make that connection, hey wait a minute! I am so tired of being a tool for these people. I am exactly the idiot they are looking for.

If you listened to this week's Dirty Laundry Podcast you know about six lucky listeners that are getting the chance to go to the movies with Cha Cha and I. The first two spots have been filled and there are still four seat left...let me know if you want to go. Listen to the show for details.

I heard that Apollo 11 Astronaut and first person, THAT WE KNOW OF, to walk on the moon. "One small step for man, one giant lleap for mankind." That makes me want to watch The Right Stuff. Or even better, From the Earth to the Moon. Both excellent movies (the latter is more of a mini-series). I remember as a wee lad watching the moon launches. Watching them on a little black and white television between squiggles and snow on the screen (for you youngsters snow was what he called the little black and white dots that kinda made the picture hard to see). As a kid I had patches of all of the Apollo missions sewn on a jacket. I wish I had all of those patches now. I am glad we didn't have cable television back then because if we wanted to watch television we had to watch this, Today we might be watching The Real Housewives of Gemini and Apollo Astronauts rather than watching the missions themselves.

Another sad death was the death of Jerry Nelson. You most likely know who he is but don't know him by name. For the past 40 years he has done the voices of The Count and Snuffleupagus on Sesame Street. I know this is probably poor taste but I do a really good The Count impression so maybe I should get ahold of my agent and get an audition scheduled. I also do a really good AFLAC goose voice but didn't audition for that because they said they were looking for something different but then the new voice is basically the same voice that Gilbert Gottfried did so I should have auditioned.

I am about done here, I have to start getting my game-face on for work. Have a great Saturnight and Sunday. I may blog tomorrow but time will tell. Thanks for stopping in. TTT????? (691 will be a surprise)...MITM (ah, ah, ah,).

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