Sunday, August 5, 2012

I Am The Mattster of Style!

Tanning Mom!
I decided to blog because I had something on my mind but now I don't so I guess I will wrap it up. Part of that is true - the I forgot why I decided to blog part.

I plugged a mouse into my laptop because I got tired of the cursor spooking around wherever it wanted to whenever it wanted to. I look out my EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) recorder and it mentioned a ghost n the machine and the mouse must be a sort of garlic for the ghost. So, now the cursor stays where I put it and everybody's happy except the ghost of cursors past.

Remember the woman who was supposedly taking her daughter into the tanning booth with her daughter? The one who looked like she was from a Smashmouth video (that's a Walking On the Sun link to the video there if you feel like watching it). She has not tanned in a month and she actually looks pretty good. She's no longer the offspring of Kool-Aid Man and a Nerf basketball. She looks about 20 years younger. She kind of looks like Meg Ryan instead of Irene Ryan now. I am sure she had some professional do her hair and stuff and now she will probably be a reality show star or something but it was a world intervention that actually worked. Sometime public ridicule actually works. Now that she has lost her tan I bet Hugh Hefner gets her to lose something else. Some people are about preying on others who are somewhat misguided to make a buck while seeming like they are charitable and trying to help them.

Sorry I left for a moment I went the kitchen and got a bowl of blueberries and blackberries. The berry world has been living a lot longer in harmony a lot longer than the human world. I guess berries have probably been around longer than we have? I love pretty much all berries. My favorites, in case you're keeping track for a huge surprise berry festival in my honor, are: blueberries, Halle Berry, blackberries and raspberries but I would say I like all berries except dingle-berries. I am also having a bowl of cottage cheese with black pepper. Why are there different curd sizes of cottage cheese? Are curds and whey actually cottage cheese? I am Little Matt Tuffett!
Now I know why my dad said to always wear a belt

A man got kicked off a Spirit Airlines flight for wearing pants that were too baggy. I am tired of that baggy pants look and do not understand why they are doing that. In case you are not aware of the craze it is men wearing their pants below their butts with their boxer shorts hanging out and a belt keeping the pants strapped around the thighs. When you see these people all they are doing is pulling their pants up constantly. Most of these people, I believe, know where this look comes from but still wear there britches this way. I will explain it in case you are one of these droopy drawers wearing people and don't know what you are "advertising." This fashion statement comes from prison. Certain people wear their pants this way so other male prisoners can have easier access to their back doors. Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day was also kicked off a plane for wearing his jeans this way awhile back. I see several people wearing their pants this way every day. Why is it always men? I wouldn't mind seeing this look on women now and again but women, in general, are too smart to do something that looks this ridiculous except for maybe Bjork or Lady Gaga. It must be a good work-out though because most of the people I have seen dressed this way are thin. Maybe it's from running from potential "suitors." I bet Chick-fil-A doesn't allow this look in their restaurants.

Enjoy your Sunafternoon and Sunnight and thanks for stopping-in. I am watching Godfather II and keep seeing commercials about beaten and starving animals and Allysa Milano keeps coming on and telling me about how I can help starving children for 5o cents a day. LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!! I feel bad enough about myself as it is and I don't need you reminding me about what a piece of crap I am. TTTT...MITM (out and feeling guilty even though I have never been Catholic). TA!

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