Monday, August 20, 2012

Ding Dong She is Dead!

Phyllis Diller 
Man I had a weird dream last night / this morning. I was at a hotel and down by the pool and ran into some old friends there. They were with a man that looked vaguely familiar to me and then I realized it was Ron Wood or The Rolling Stones. I have never been much of a The Rolling Stones fan. I like some of their songs and appreciate what they have meant to the history of music but not really my cup of Earle Gray. When I saw him in the dream I thought to myself, "he would be really cool to get on Dirty Laundry Podcast." He was a really nice guy and I knew he would be on the show if I asked him but I didn't ask him. I don't what that means. I wonder if, in my dream, if it had been Keith Richards or Mick Jagger I would have asked? Do dreams really mean anything? I wasn't listening to any music while I was sleeping so there was no song from The Rolling Stones or The Birds or The Jeff Beck Group that snick into there. I know I was really tired because over the past 24 hours I had driven for 19 of them. I will be wondering all night long what it meant. Let me know your theories. Fair warning...I will probably mention them on the podcast. I guess, in a way, Ronnie Wood is going to be on the podcast.

Was I the only one who thought Phyllis Diller (real name Phyllis Driver) was already dead? That happens to me every know and then. Even though I know Abe Vigoda is alive I will still think that he was already dead when he dies. I liked Phyllis Diller. She seemed like a very nice person. One of the jokes I remember she told was, "I once wore a peek-a-boo blouse. People would peek and they would boo." Most of her jokes were at her won expense and I like that form of comedy for some reason. I don't like mean-spirited people and this is only aimed at ones-self so it hurts nobody. It doesn't even hurt you because you know that you don't mean it. She was a housewife when she started comedy kind of like Roseanne Barr did year after her. She was a true pioneer for women comics. I thank her for all of those except for Joan Rivers. Diller was on Batman, Love Boat, CHiPs, Love American Style and Get Smart... how much bigger can you get? This much bigger.... The Phyllis Diller Show and I bet Bob Hope was even on that show. Just so you don't think the title of this blog was's because she also played The Wicked Witch of the West on stage at one time. I bet Fang dies a long time ago.

I am happy this is my Friday. Working Saturday night, driving down to Champaign and then working last night has taken a lot out of these MIDDLE-aged bones. So tomorrow and your Wednesday I have off and then Thursday I actually get to work during the day...woohoo! I say that now but the assignment on Thursday is part of the deal that I am not relishing. BUT!!!! I get Thursday night off!

Hank Williams Jr. slammed President Obama at the Iowa State Fair. That;s funny, I didn't know HWS didn't like Barack Obama. I guess I should have realized it when he his hillybilly song was pulled from Monday Night Football for disparaging remarks against the President. He said "Obama is a Muslim President who hates farming." That  must come to a surprise to Michelle Obama who is really pushing children eating more vegetable. He also said that Obama hates the military and that he is a "Muslim America hater." What is wrong with this dude? Rhetorical.

America must be getting sick of Kelly Ripa like I have been for months and months. She is going to finally announce a co-host for the morning show that Regis Philbin left quite awhile ago. Of course, she is waiting to announce the new host in September when it's ratings time. It would be funny if it were Regis. Maybe it was just a rest for Philbin and this was all like a publicity scam the whole time. It will probably be her husband. I won't watch it anyway so I don't even know why I brought this up.

I have to finish dinner and start getting my work face on so I had better wrap this up. I hope you have a great night. I should be able to blog again tomorrow, my apologies in advance. Thanks for stopping in. Man, I have to get caught up on my Words With Friends and Scramble With Friends too! why do we do things that make us feel busier? We have to be the dumbest species of animal that there is. And I am right up there with The King of the Idiots. TTTT...MITM (creating things for himself to do) DUH! I mean Ta!

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