Thursday, August 30, 2012

Everybody Hates MITM!

I am so tired of politics already. I was up in the MIDDLE of the night, I am sure you're not surprised, and Everybody Hates Chris was on. I had just finished doing some reading and I turned it on as background noise to try to fall to sleep to (approximately 3AM, I think). I really like that show and don't know if it was just a coincidence or they played this particular episode on purpose. Chris stepped outside of his apartment into a snow storm and he said something along the lines of, "I haven't seen this much white since the Republican National Convention." It was an episode from, I think 2009, and it really rang true to what I have seen very recently. I have been watching some of the Republican National Convention and I have watched the audience and I have not seen even one person who wasn't white. Not only that, I have not seen one person who appears younger than 60ish. So, the Republican Party, it appears to me, is a bunch of old white people. I have nothing against old white people since I am half of that demographic who is quickly approaching the other half of that demographic but that doesn't represent our tossed salad of a country (some people call it a melting pot but, let's be honest, we are more of a tossed salad than a melting pot). Maybe even more of a relish tray since most of we veggies still remain in our own compartments and some of we celery stalks spill over into the carrot or radish areas and visa versa.

What stops atheists or agnostics from lying in court? Does it really MATTer to them if they lie after agreeing tell the truth, the whole truth,"so help you God."

Did you hear that chocolate is good for you now? Supposedly men who eat chocolate regularly are 17% less likely to have a stroke. I am sure this is a study conducting in Hershey, Pennsylvania or somewhere like that. I cannot believe this is true because chocolate contains caffeine and caffeine accelerated the hear rate which, I would think, would increase chances of a heart attack. I am not really sure what the difference and a heart attack is but I know they both have something to do with the heart. It just amuses me how there are studies to support everything in every direction. It all comes down to money and industries trying to get people to spend their hard earned cash on their products.

I heard the Charlie Sheen's new show, Anger Management, just got promised another 90 episodes. I have never seen the show and I won't. I have a problem rewarding the kind of behavior Sheen had been displaying. If it had been one or two incidents I would think differently but he has a definite problem. Lindsay Lohan is the same way and I thought she had talent too but I won't watch anything she is in either. Obviously, I won't watch the new Scary Movie even though I think I heard that they will both killed in the opening sequence. I have not seen any of those movies either because they look stupid but it makes sense for them to hire Sheen and Lohan based on my assessment of those films (good match). Now I hear that Brett Favre is being attacked for texting racy comments to some New York message therapists trying to solicit sex. There were talks about him sending photos of little Brett to an employee of the New York Jets but he definitely has a problem too. And to think that Mary (Something About Mary) left Ben Stiller to go back to Brett. Sorry for that spoiler without an alert but that movie is from 1998 and if you haven't seen it my now you will probably wait until Will Smith's or Michael Jackson's kids remake it in a couple of years and then it will be with Tim Tebow or Eli Manning or something.

I believe I am going to get a haircut today. I don't know how I handle all of the excitement in my life. I think I am going to go to Sportclips. We have a new one out here in the corn. My last haircut was during the Houston Astros game in centerfield by the good people at Sportclips. It is the only time I have ever appeared on a Jumbo-Tron. Minute Maid Park, but I will call it the Astrodome because that sounds cooler, is a pretty good place to lose my Jumbo-Tron virginity.

I listened to Dirty Laundry Podcast last night and I cannot wait to get guests into our new Kajunkles Studio. I am excited that summer is almost over because it seems to be easier to get guests on the show in the fall and winter. We already have four or five lined-up for the coming couple of months. I guess people would rather do stuff outside in the summer than travel to a studio in the MIDDLE of a bunch of corn in the summer. Speaking of travel I really am hankering to go back down to Hannibal, Missouri. I don't know why I love that town so much. It's not very far for me so maybe I will go down there some Tuesday afternoon and just come home Wednesday night. I bet I could pick up Nature Girl on the way - she'd go with me. I feel like I am just called to that town every now and then. Is it Sam Clemens? Is it the Big Muddy, Old Miss, Old Man River? Is it "The Unsinkable" Molly Brown (did you even know she was from there)? I have the same feeling about Key West but that's a little further. Maybe it's because they are both really old towns that still have the old time feel. There is a lot of history and romance surrounded by these towns. I am blogging poetic and that usually means it's time to wrap it up.

Thanks for stopping in. I hope you have a great day; it's supposed to be a hot one again in the MIDDLEwest. I will most likely blog again tomorrow; I have been in a writing mood quite a bit lately since starting to read 11/22/63. I guess if I want to write my novel I need to read - that seems to make me want to write. I suppose that makes sense in some weird Matt In The Middle sorta way. Do something nice for yourself today!!!! TTTT...MITM (unsinkably out!)

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