Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Blog Full of Piss and Vinegar

I just realized that I haven't blogged yet today.

I had my interview this morning and I think it went well though it was intimidating. I first sat in front of a panel of seven people and answered questions while being video-taped. Then I went to see the prospective boss and he talked to me. No I should know within a week whether I am hired or not. I guess time will tell. Then Cha Cha and I went and took the other car in for brakes...I wish I had stock in Motor Works as many times as I have had vehicles there over the last couple of months. I will be happy when we buy our brand new Fiat 500C convertible next week - a convertible just in time for winter. Then Cha Cha and I went to lunch at Olive Garden and went and bought her: new shoes, jewelry and accessories for our black-tie wedding this weekend. The we went to the bank to make a deposit and to the drug store to get my medicine now that the doctor lifted the hold on it after my extorted appointment was completed yesterday. I think that pretty much has you caught up as to my day thus far...oh yeah, I also stopped and got Fabio some new black sweat pants that he needed for gym class. What have you been up to today so far?

So, my hopes of a DEVIL Rays - Cardinals world series is still alive. Both teams won their wild card spots last night in dramatic fashion. The Boston Red Sox lost the most ground of any baseball team in history over the last month and the Atlanta Braves lost the second largest lead in MLB history - Maybe that just means that this the year of Satan (Devil Rays) vs. the Catholic Church (The Cardinals) - good vs. evil!
I guess some dude wrote a book telling how Walter Payton was on pain pills and he cheated on his wife... I have always been a huge Walter Payton fan and I still am many years after he quit playing football and has been dead. I am not surprised that he was on pain pills; the man took punishment every single week and he worked-out like a maniac. I would have been more surprised if he hadn't been on pain pills. As far as infidelity I certainly would not be surprised if that were true. I would be disappointed if I knew it were true but I am a fan of his training and of his football ability. I am not one of the people that are disillusioned-enough to think that professional athletes are above human temptation. I am a huge fan of Pete Rose's professional baseball career and personally I believe he should be the the Major League Baseball Hall-of-Fame. As a kid I was a big fan of O.J. Simpson on the football field and thought he was hilarious in the Naked Gun movies but I certainly am not a fan of many of his extra-curricular activities. We tend to place professional athletes and actors and music stars on higher pedestals when there were times when these jobs were seen as lower-class jobs. Enjoy their work but don't expect them to be better people than you or I. In fact, becasue of the latitude that we give them we should almost expect them to behave like the idiots that some of them act like sometimes. Bottom-line is that there is nothing to be gained by besmirching Walter Payton's name other than for financial gain. some or all of it may be true or it may be partially true or all fabricated but why does it matter now when he is gone?

I heard that Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore may be getting divorced. That was a rumor several years ago too, maybe not several years ago since they have only been married for six but some years ago, and they stayed together. I tend to agree with it this time because Two-and-a-Half-Men seems to have an ill-effect on people. Why is it any of our business anyway now that I think of it? Just like Walter Payton's non-football life - why is that our business? Why do we care? Thinks that make you say "hmmmmmm."

I will try to blog earlier tomorrow because I seem to blog with more piss-and-vinegar in the afternoon/evening. I never understood exactly what "piss and vinegar" meant but I always liked the way that it sounded. I know what they both are and I can see why if I was full of piss that would be bad but I tend to like vinegar especially like apple cider vinegar. Tomorrow I will blog full of vinegar but I will leave the piss out of it. Have a nice Thursnight and I will blog you again sometime tomorrow morning. Thanks a lot for letting me drain my vinegar - I always appreciate you. TTTT...MITM (pissed out).

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