Thursday, September 15, 2011

We Must Stop The Amish!!!

Why is that one buggy facing the other way? You know why!
It's about time that these violent gangs known as The Amish get brought down a notch. Finally, there is a law enforcement agency that is not afraid to confront these hooligans to help keep the streets safe. Law officials in Graves County, Kentucky are tired of the violence and senseless crimes of The Amish. Several members of these terror groups have been jailed for not displaying the orange triangles on the backs of the horse-drawn buggies. We all know those are vehicles for smuggling drugs and used for human trafficking. Who do they think they're fooling with their souped-up black buggies without their orange safety triangles. I bet the police pursuit lasted for hours. Good for you Graves County; next we need to battle the Tibetan Monks with their robes and fake peaceful ways of life. The violence has to stop!

Why do I see shredding trucks everywhere? I only know of one case personally where people have gotten credit cards in someone else's name. I know a lot of people and, granted, I don't know everything about all of those people but you think you'd hear more first-hand horror stories if it was as big of a problem as was presented to us. We get A LOT of credit card offers and I have a box I put them in and when we have fires I burn them. I know I am probably to blame for the ozone depletion or deterioration (is that one a problem anymore?) or the global warming but I have been convinced by the scare-force of the world. Maybe it was always a scheme to scare people, mainly companies, so these people could start these shredding businesses and park their big shredding trucks in front of these businesses with their names on the sides so we get scared more and have them come shred our stuff. They should make them put big orange triangles on the backs of those trucks.

The new craze in television coming this next season it seems, at least on Discovery Fit & Health channel, is pregnancy with problems. I saw a commercial for shows called Secret Pregnancy and I Am Pregnant And... Secret Pregnancy is people telling their fathers or boyfriends or whoever that they are pregnant and have been for a couple of months. Okay, I'm a dad and my family has an huge production crew with four or five cameras in my house and I am there to be part of a show called Secret Pregnancy I am pretty sure that I would be able to figure out that something is going to go very badly for me that day. Or do they tell me that the camera crew is here because they think I'm so cool and they want to do my life story - I ain't buyin' that one. I Am Pregnant And... is going to be like "I am pregnant and I noticed it right after my alien anal probe" or something along those lines I guess. Let's be entertained by others' miseries. I think the shredder trucks should head over and shred those cans of film.

I have our little car in to get the sway bar tightened and wouldn't you know that they found several hundreds of other things wrong with the car. This is the main reason that I usually do all of the work on the cars myself. Have you ever been to a mechanic, if he wasn't a friend or a relative, that didn't find something else wrong with your car? I know they're a business and they are doing their jobs and trying to stay in business but come on. There are probably so many people that fall for all of this stuff. Sometimes they are right but I don't believe all of those things need to be done every time I bring my car in. Balderdash!

Alright I have to take Cha Cha to work and them come back and pick up the other car and then go to O'Hare Airport to get Mr. Hawaii so I had better call it a wrap (a salsa-avocado wrap). Have a great Thursday. For you in the chilly MIDDLEwest make sure you're thinking warm thoughts. Have a great day. TTTT...MITM (Audi 5000) TA!

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