Friday, September 2, 2011

Matt Is The Menace (MITM)

It's 2:00AM so I hope you're not looking for news from today's blog because I am up before the news. Is that even possible? I am listening to a podcast that I have never listened to before because they "liked" Dirty Laundry Podcast. I will not mention the show I am listening to but they keep using THE F WORD for no apparent reason. It's just like to "f 'in" say it just to "f 'in" say it. I don't know these guys and listening to it makes me wonder what do people who don't know Cha Cha or I get out of listening to our podcast? I think listening to other podcasts will help me to make our podcast better. I am becoming a media mogul. Mogul isn't the correct menace is probably more accurate.

What makes people want to listen to our podcast? The Playing For Change music helps a lot I think. If they know us personally they will listen, for awhile at least, but how do we get people to keep coming back? I have to work on making our podcast more listenable to perfect strangers and making them return each week. I am blogging out loud because what else does one do at 2:57AM while most of the rest of the world is asleep (I get the time-zone thing but that is so much less dramatic). People in Australia are listening to the podcast right now because it's 5:57PM but I am not sure if that's tonight or last night - it is tonight. They are already starting their weekends (provided they work until 5:00PM like we do in America). So many questions. I love that website "time and"'s also 59 degrees Fahrenheit there right now.

I try to think what people might be dreaming about right now but I can't. Why can't I know what everybody is dreaming about right now? How cool would that be?
I wish my house's foundation looked like that

Today is the day I have to mail the second-half of the property taxes. I don't know why I always feel like I have to wait until the last possible day to mail it in. I never lived through The Great Depression so it's not like I want to keep my money in case of...whatever. I know the word "great" refers to "big" not "very good" like is usually meant by the word "great" but shouldn't we change The Great Depression to The Terrible Depression or The Crappy Depression or something a little more telling? Anyway, I have to send another $3,500 to the county today so I can live on my land in my house another year. What kind of a scam is that? The Great Scam I guess. It's not even like a house payment or a car payment - it goes on can never pay it off...The Great Scam indeed!

You know how I have been a big fan of Netflix. I changed my plan this year when they raised their prices; we no longer receive the dvds - we only get the streaming-option now which actually saves us $2 per month. I just read, because what else do you do at 3:13AM besides sleep, that Starz is not renewing their deal with Netflix for next year. The Starz movies, which include Disney and Sony films, are a big part of why Netflix is good. What in the heck is going on at Netflix? Maybe their subscribership went down when they raised their prices because of blog-activists list me? Maybe Starz is going to start a competing movie-on-demand service? See how rumors get started? I will wait and see what Netflix does to combat this set-back but this may be the final months of MITM's love of Netflix....stay tuned!

Speaking of Starz...Chazz Bono, formerly Chastity Bono (child of Cher and Sonny Bono), wants to appear on Dancing With The Stars. Some people are apparently upset because he was previously a woman and is now a man. I personally believe that people should be who they want to be as long as they aren't infringing on what other people want to be. Chazz Bono isn't bothering anybody by being Chazz. Irregardless, what does being a man or a woman have to do with dancing? I have a feeling that some people may be threatened by a man that likes to dance. We have discussed this on Dirty Laundry Podcast because I like to dance now. Are people worried because he will be dancing with a woman? Women have danced together for years because most guys won't dance. I have a hard enough time living my life so I guess maybe I should let Chazz live his for himself (I was blogging the "royal I"). I know some may disagree but that's what makes freedom so much fun sometimes (all except for paying property taxes).

Sorry for the rambling but that's what happens when someone is wrapping up their blog at 3:31AM. I may try to get a few winks before donating plasma because writing this blog has even bored me and my eyelids are a bit heavier now. Have a great Friday and I may blog tomorrow - we'll see how that goes. Is the suspense killing you?

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