Thursday, September 8, 2011

Critical Matt!!!

I have to write today's blog kinda fast because I have to take another pre-employment exam for another job that I will not get in about an hour. Luckily I wrote a few paragraphs here last night so it will look like I write these blogs very quickly except for the fact that I just wrote that I wrote some of it last night so now you know that isn't true. 

It's discouraging as many jobs that I have applied for and exams I have taken and I cannot get a job. I don't know if I have blogged it before but I think people aren't hiring me because I am overqualified for most of the jobs I am applying for. I know I get very good scores on the exams because they send me the results. They think that I am either going to be bored at these jobs or that the entire time I am there I will be looking for another job. That's not the case, however. I am only applying for jobs that i see myself working for the rest of my life. Other than when I was in high school and college that's always the way I have worked.  My job will be the supplemental job now and I am cool with making less to do something I will enjoy. Cha Cha is the bread-winner and I am totally cool with that. I would have always been cool with male ego does have boundaries and common sense. Maybe I should get a job giving exams...I know a lot about it now.

I have been fortunate enough to be with two people who I like a really, really lot check something off of their bucket lists. I was with Cha Cha while she was in a parade and I was with Stacee while she hunted ghosts. I guess I must be a bucket list good luck charm? Maybe I am the Bucket List Whisperer! I do not have a bucket list per se but I have lots of things that I would like to do before I kick it old school. I went to a meeting last night for the group Green Paws. Green Paws is an organization calling themselves an "environmental alliance" and I went because they were discussing an issue that I feel is a great idea; they are trying to get our town to get bicycle lanes for bikers. I love to ride my bike and I would like to feel safe and feel that my kids are safe riding their bikes. One of the things on my bike-it list has been to be a part of a flash mob. I was meant to be at this meeting. On Friday, September 30th at 5:30PM I am going to meet with my new Green Paw friends for a "critical mass" which is a fancy term for flash mob without the dancing and/or choreography. We are meeting at the NIU Convocation Center and riding our bikes east on Lincoln Highway (Route 38) all the way through town en mass. You are all welcome so get you motors (legs) runnin'...head down Lincoln Highway slowing traffic on the way... Please come join will be a gas man. Green paws is also going to have an informational table at the Playing For Change-apalooza Dirty Laundry Podcast is posting November 6th at The House Cafe. Win-win-win-win-win.

Yesterday Cha Cha and I rode our bikes, ironically, to the lagoon at NIU and had lunch in the park. We took a blanket and stuffed a bunch of healthy food in my backpack and rode down bike-lane-less Lincoln Highway and sat by the water and ate lunch and then rode home. It was fun and felt very European.

The NFL season starts tonight. I don't really care about football that much other than because of my fantasy football team. Tonight my quarterback, Aaron Rodgers, and my tight end, Jermichael Finley, play. I was pretty smart to tie Rodgers up a couple of years ago and now that we are a dynasty league I should have one of the NFL's premier quarterbacks for many years to come. My back-up is Tony Romo...pretty good back-up too. Someone tried to trade Peyton Manning and some other players to me for Rodgers and I am really happy now that I didn't do that since Manning isn't playing. Since we are a dynasty league I went with the youth and most recent Super Bowl MVP-ness of Rodgers.

I guess I had better wrap-up so I can get ready for my last pre-employment test because I am getting this job! No matter whats' going on in your life keep a stiff upper lip because the sun will come out tomorrow unless it rains and the it will just come out the next day. I bet the sun always comes out one place or another in the world. If the sun isn't out where you are just follow the sun! Be your own sun. I think sun is more of a feeling sometimes rather than a heavenly entity. So, make your own sunshine today!!!! Thank you for stopping by today; hopefully I helped you make some sun. Get you bicycle  tuned-up to get ready to be part of the flash mob critical mass (there needs to be a better terms than that) with me. Also, if you have a Charlie Bucket List item that you need help with, within reason, let me know and maybe we can work on that one too. TTTT...MITM (out to take my final exam) 

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