Sunday, July 15, 2018

Three (fake) Billboards Outside Blogville

It seems just like yesterday since I blogged when, in fact, I did not write yesterday. Slacker! I usually would be at work right now (just returning from my first break) but I am not, obviously. I spent a lot of yesterday sorting-out and filling-out paper work for my short-term FMLA. I love how businesses and insurance companies... inundate us with paperwork to try to get us to drop the ball and make us not be able to use the insurances... that we pay for every week from our paychecks.  So, I have all of my stuff filled-out and I am going back to the podiatrist tomorrow to have them fill-out the portions of the paperwork where my employer requires to the physician to fill-out areas out because, I guess, I could have faked all of the documents I already gave them and pretend to have a torn Achilles tendon. I can show them my bulging heel if they wish. I may move to North Korea; at least there I would know that I was being horns-waggled and not have to question it all the time. There's a seems to be a sense of freedom in that.

While I am writing this I am listening to the Paul Simon Pandora station. This station plays a lot of artists that I like and that mellow me out. Kodachrome was the last song and not The Boxer. There's been a lot of Creedence, Cat Stevens, James Taylor, Harry Chapin, Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, Louis B. Armstrong, Rusted Root, Crosby, Stills Nash and Young, Kenny Loggins (and Messina)... Great station for my taste.Why else would I be listening to it? I am kind of a hippy I suppose.

In addition to the big toe deal and the Achilles issue I now have a cold with the stuffed-up nose and the sore throat and the ears popping now and again. I suppose it is a good time to have the cold because it will probably be gone by the time I am cleared to go back to work.

Jill and her sister are headed down to Shabbona (Illinois) for a family reunion. I am going to stay here and recuperate and vegetate. I wonder if I should even drive since the Achilles issue is on my right ankle? It probably would have been more convenient if the big toe issue and the Achilles issue were on the same foot. I am not going to ask the doctor about the driving thing because I may not like the answer. I kind of feel like I am L.B. "Jeff" Jefferies  (James Stewart) in the Alfred Hitchcock classic Rear Window. What a great film that is; I would say that was Hitch's best! How and you go wrong with Hitchcock and Jimmy Stewart? And then you also have: Grace Kelly and Raymond Burr and Sam Drucker (Frank Cady) from Green Acres! I am gonna check and see if that movie is on one of our ROKU channels.

Last night Jill and I watched Three Billboards Outside Ebbing. Missouri. We rented it on the Red Box App on ROKU. What a great cast and a fantastic movie. Frances McDormand won the Academy Award for actress in a leading role. She also received the leading actress awards from - Independent Film Awards, British Film Academy of Film and Television Arts, Screen Actors Guild (two awards for her/cast), Golden Globes, National Society of Film Critics... She was amazing as you may imagine. What do you expect from someone from Illinois (Gibson City)? If you have never seen Fargo (the movie) I would recommend that where she was also amazing and won the Best Actress Academy Award.

As you can see, I am still enjoying the phony ads. I think the photos and ads and such just make wherever  they are just seem longer and more legitimate maybe? That's probably why they started to ad photos and drawing in books.

For the next few weeks, at least  the next few weeks, I plan to eat only fruits and vegetables and salads. I will also work out if able. I will stay off of the tread mill and probably the stationary bike but I may hit the weights (arms and chest for sure) but I will, most likely, not push the legs because of the foot and the ankle.

I think I will end now and get a banana and some grapes. I have already had two hard-boiled eggs and I am probably going over to Fatty's to get a corncob salad (with no bacon). If Fabio doesn't work today I will see if he wants to go too. He starts a new job on Tuesday so they may make him work today and tomorrow to train somebody else?). I can say that now because he already gave his notice at Schuck's. He seems pretty excited.

Okay I am done for today. I thank you for continuing to give me an audience to write for. Even if it is just YOU and You alone I feel honored that I am worthy for a few minutes of you time. TTTT...MITM (out)!

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