Monday, July 23, 2018

Blog On, Blog Off (not side-to-side)

My goodness it is already 11:38. I have gotten quite a few things done but that is when the time goes faster I have found; I know that you found that long ago too. My plan was to just mow the front yard because I don't want to push it too much with the torn tendon. The front yard went well so, while I was already sweaty, I decided to mow the back as well. I got done with the back yard and then decided to fix the section of fence that has been held together by a piece of string for some time. I got the ladder out and grabbed a few nails, a hammer and the ladder and went to work. It didn't take long and now it looks better and I am sure that the neighbors will happy to not see Jeff's nose peaking between the planks.

I am fairly sweaty as it is kind of humid out but I am back in the air conditioned house. I have my next podiatrist appointment on Thursday. I feel like surgery will be necessary though I hope not. The bump on the back of my heel is still very visible and I do have discomfort in the morning when I get out of bed ad off-and-on throughout the day. You'd imagine that it would feel better being off of it all night but that is seldom the case with injuries. If I require getting sliced I think it will probably just be out-patient surgery but that is just my guess. I hope I don't have to wear one of those boots.
Maybe coming back to your ears soon

I haven't seen any television or listened to any radio today so I am not sure what is going on in the horrifying American political scene today.  I just listened to the Queen Pandora station while mowing. Man, Freddie Mercury was sure talented. While I slept last night I listened to several podcasts. Speaking of podcasts, Jill and I are talking about starting-up the Dirty Laundry Podcast again. We had quite a following when we were doing that and we both miss doing the show. It was a lot of work doing the editing and such but it was always worth the effort, in hindsight. I still have some of the old podcasts recorded on some of my devises and I listen to them now and again. Doing a show like we did really let us get out some of our frustrations by just talking the issues out; we'd have an awful lot to talk about these days though we might stay away from politics as politics are a buzz-kill. I just looked and the Dirty Laundry Podcast Facebook page is still there. We had/have 141 followers. Would they still listen? Time will tell. Now I have our theme song stuck in my head.

I have a mosquito bite on my left forearm. That will teach me to mow the lawn.

I think I may a have a salad for lunch again today. They seem to sustain me pretty well with the added protein of shredded chicken and hard-boiled eggs. I believe I have only had a banana today. I washed the grapes last night so I will probably have grapes for dessert. I blog about lunch and now I wonder what I will make for dinner. If it were just me I would have another big salad but it isn't just me. We're both watching our girlish figures so I will figure something out; I do miss my wine. No pain no loss! I may take a nap because I have not been sleeping as well as I wish.

So weird, I was just writing about dinner tonight and a few minutes later Jeff races to the front door barking. He is our alarm and our protector. Anyway, I went to the front door and saw a yellow truck driving away. I opened the door and there was a large box lying on the front porch. Jill had signed us up for something called Sun Basket which is one of those programs where they send you all of the ingredients and instructions to make meals. She just ordered the three-meals-a-week one and we eat other things the rest of the week. some of the recipes are kind of complicated but I am here and I like to cook. When I go back to work we can still use this service because I have four days a week off.We did one of these a long time ago ago but it got too demanding for some reason. I have not opened the box yet to see what our three meals will be this week (it's like getting a birthday present on your front porch) but I am still having my salad for lunch. I am curious what our three meals will be this week. That will give me something to write about tomorrow.

Okay, I am gonna end now and put the Sun Basket stuff in the refrigerator. Thank you for coming by  and I will, almost definitely, be back tomorrow. I hope you can make it back too. TTTT...MITM (out) Sayonara!

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