Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Doomed as Doomed Can Be, Ya Kow!

I am so sad, angered and disappointed with the current political climate of The United States of America. I know there are people that still admire and support our country's leaders but I fear that what is happening right now, in Helsinki, Finland is going to end in an even further disaster with 45 being out-smarted by the sly, cunning, diabolical Vladimir Putin. It's like having Jimmy Smith boxing against Muhammad Ali while he was in his prime. Click on that red hyperlink to see what I am talking about. There is no way that our country comes out ahead here (or even comes out even) in this match-up.

I would have hoped that mostly being off of my legs for the past five days some improvement in my legs/feet would have occurred. I am already assuming that there will be surgery to correct my Achilles tendon. I am going to stop in and see the podiatrist again today because I have some more paperwork to have filled-out to take back to my employer so I can get paid. I also have to fill out a form to use some of my vacation hours to get paid for today and tomorrow before the FMLA kicks-in. I bet, when I get back to work and I still have hair like this, people will think that I lied about the Achilles thing and assume I have some form of cancer of something.

Noah starts his new job tomorrow and he seems pretty excited. He is going to continue to help (part-time) at his current job until they find somebody to replace him. This will be working around his new full-time job, of course. He'll do great!
My hair is actually shorter than that 

When we finally leave this failing country for Canada I think I want to live in Medicine Hat, Saskatchewan. Jill is still pretty set on Austin, Texas. One huge advantage to moving to Alberta, Canada is that we would Justin Trudeau as our leader. If we live in Texas we still have 45 to deal with here. We'll live in Medicine Hat and our leader will not be an ass-hat.

I guess I fell asleep before finishing this last night so I will continue now.

I got a haircut last week and Jill was giving me crap about it since. She thought it was too long. This morning she said, "you should go get a buzz-cut. Have you ever had a buzz-cut before?" I answered, "yes, when I was in sixth grade maybe." I then said, "if I want a buzz-cut I can do that myself." So, I proceeded to go the bathroom and now I look like John Candy (Dewey Oxburger) in Stripes. I went into her office in the house here and she said,"that's drastic!" "This is a buzz-cut," I said. "I guess I meant like a flat-top or something." YOU SAID BUZZ-CUT!!!" I immediately put on a baseball cap and now my fitted-hats are even a bit too large. I will have to wear some of the adjustable hats. I am glad that I don't go back to work for the minimum of three-weeks. Some people you just cannot make happy. 

Now that it is today and not yesterday I can see that I was more than correct about the Putin - Trump match. The Goofball-in-Chief was so out-gunned, out-smarted, out-witted, out-classed...outed! Putin is a former KGB spy for crying-out loud. Even 45's former big supporters are turning on him. Quite frankly, I am surprised that it took so long. I guess party loyalty is much more important that our country's security and future. Hopefully, this wake-up call will lead to censure or impeachment.

I woke up this morning and my Achilles ached and my left big toe throbbed. I was off of my feet all night and this? I fear surgery for the Achilles tendon will be the final determination. I will try to stay off my feet as much as I can until my next appointment. I have had so many problems with my feet and ankles for most of my life. I think it probably stemmed from all of the baseball I played for most of my life. I payed all-out all of the time and I paid for it from time to time (mostly ankle related things).

Okay, I am going to stop. I hope you have a great day despite our national turmoil right now. I think, in a weird way, Trump being the imbecile that he is will united the United States a bit more. I cannot take much more of this boob even though I am generally a boob-man. TTTT...MITM (bald)! TA!

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