Thursday, July 5, 2018

Slept Like a Dog on Independence Day

Slept like a dog!
I have to start writing here more on my days off. I don't really have to but I want to make myself so stay sharper with my writing. I am getting really close to knowing what my novel will be about though I am sure it will change many times before I begin the first chapter and will morph many more times while writing and editing it.

Yesterday was Independence Day (4th of July) in the United States of America. Jeff (our birder collie) has always been very skittish with loud noise like thunder and such so you can imagine how he is with fireworks. Cha Cha was in Evanston yesterday and today and tonight and last night for work and she said she had a wonderful view of many town's fireworks including some over Lake Michigan in Chicago. Before she went she told me about a way try to keep animals calm during loud noises including thunder and fireworks. So, last night Jeff and I slept with: a ceiling fan, a table fan and a box fan running at full speed. I also covered him in a blanket as that was recommended too to help dogs feel safer. I also played the music louder than usual. It went pretty well, actually and I will sleep better during storms now without him lying on top of me though the vibrating bed from his shaking is kind of like magic fingers.

Yesterday made me think of the 1973 film Tom Sawyer and I found it on one of our ROKU channels; I am pretty sure that is was on HULU. That is the one with Johnny Whitaker and Jodie Foster and Warren Oates... Family Affair was on until 1971 so this must have been Whitaker's first movie? Foster must has just wrapped-up The Courtship of Eddie's Father too. I remember watching that movie on television when I was about ten-years-old. Whenever there was a movie like this on television I made my family be really quiet during the songs so I could hold the microphone to my huge tape recorder to the television speaker and record the songs. I was bootlegging music way before it was cool. The statute of limitations has run-out on that crime and I was only ten-years-old at the time of my federal misstep. Most people know that I am, and always have been, a huge Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain fan so I am sure this is no surprise to you. It will probably also not come to a surprise to you that Hannibal, Missouri is one of my favorite places on the planet' I may have my ashes scattered there. Half there and half in Heidelberg maybe. If I ever have to go dark or join the witness protection program you may want to start in Hannibal with the search. Today I watched The Sandlot for the hundred-millionth time (this time while cleaning the kitchen); I had forgotten that this film was also based, partially, around the Fourth of July - weird.

Tomorrow I have to take the FIAT into the shop. It is making weird noises and the engine light is flashing. I have seen light come on when something is wrong but I have never had an engine light flash. I checked all of the usual things: oil, vapor lock, belts, battery charge, fetzer valve, ball bearings ("it's all ball bearings these days)... everything seems okay but I KNOW something is wrong. I know it won't be anything big because our license plates read EXIST.
Just a weird photo of me - pertains to nothing (thanks GOOGLE!)

One of my favorite people in the world died last week. I am happy that Cha Cha and I went to visit her a few weeks before she passed. I had known her since I had been in about fifth grade I think. She will be missed by many people. Most of my friends and I always called her MA. I will think of her every time I write a blog because she was one of my more avid followers.

Facebook is really starting to aggravate me with all of their new rules and policies... I realize they are, supposedly, trying to protect our privacy and protect copyrights and such but how about just blocking the scofflaws? The usual story of a small percentage of people ruining it for everyone. I know they can find out who is being nefarious and turn their accounts off. I may okay with Twitter more now. I use Twitter a lot but this was always my goto platform. I am just whining again I suppose.

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