Wednesday, July 18, 2018


A sad note to start - the orange Kool-Aid guy is still our so-called leader. He is not, and never will be, my leader! I have not talked to a few of my friends who voted for him since right after he became some-people's leader. I wonder if they have changed their minds on him yet? Politics is one of the things that we are supposed to avoid when speaking to people. How will things get better if we don't talk about? So perplexing. He is unraveling and the people who used to back him are finally seeing the light. Many Republicans are now seeing what a bumbling idiot he really though I know that there are people who can never admit to being wrong. I used to be one of those guys but I know I am wrong more times than not. I may even be wrong about that last sentence? I put that photo over there to the right because I figure it covers the orange-in-chief and it also is kind of a phony advertising like I have been trying to add here lately.

I just finished watching An Inconvenient Sequel:Truth and Power.  I have always felt that what we do as humans almost always affects our world. A side note: I hope President Obama runs for Vice-President one of these days and then whoever the President candidate is wins and then, after a few years, the President steps-down and Obama becomes President for a few more years. I love to continue seeing history being made in my lifetime and this one would tickle me orangeless. Anyway, back to the sequel. It was nice to see most of the rest of the world trying to take care of Earth and our future. Al Gore is so very passionate about it. We should be leading this kind of effort since we are probably one of the bigger countries hurting the planet. And 45 wants to brink coal-mining back. It was wonderful seeing all of the other countries that are way ahead of us in this arena - we can catch-up and help lead this! #BEINCONVENIENT! If 45 can't lead us we must lead one another. Trump really is a very dim 5 Watt light bulb.

I am looking for a job writing for a newspaper or a magazine or television again. I have written for magazines, newspapers, radio stations and television stations...and I have found that investigating and writing are what I was meant to do. It looks like Jill and I may be starting the podcast up to try to help make a difference and that will help my creative juices to get there fill again. I am just waiting for Amazon Prime to deliver my new computer tomorrow so we can begin tinkering and playing before we hit to the ether-ways again.

Fabio just came over for a few minutes and he got to touch my newly bald head. I really think I may stay bald for the rest of my life. I can just continuing to buzz my own melon (not a filthy euphemism) and save loads of money over my remaining years. I figured my head would look weirder that it looks though I am delighted that it does not. I feel like I look a bit like Egghead from Batman. I need to work on my Vincent Price mustache and I will be all ready for Halloween. I don't believe I have Price's mannerisms and swagger either though. I Know I don't have his panache, if you know what I mean.

I called and talked to my dad a bit ago and he is doing well. He is staying busy working with his former (and current, I suppose) boss doing odd jobs and such. He wants to get together with Jill and I and the kids and go through mom's things and see if there are any of her stuff that he would like. It won't be long and before Jill and I will be doing the same thing.

I am doing all of the things that the doctors are telling me to do but my Achilles feels about the same. Not doing much walking though the lawn will be needing a haircut in a day or two. All-in-all just being off of my feet most of the time is helping the paid though I won't know if the tendon is healing or fusing back together or whatever it is supposed to be doing until I go back to the podiatrist. I think podiatrist is the wrong way they should spell that word. I think it should be pediatrist. I checked the dictionary and "ped" and "pod" both mean "foot" but "ped" is Latin and "pod" is Greek. Medical stuff seems to be more Greek so I will stick with podiatrist rather than the word that doesn't really exist. It's all Greek to me.

I am done for today as far as the blog goes. As always, thank you so much for chillin' with me for a few. Have a great rest of whatever day this is - they don't much seem different one from the other to me right now.  TTTT...MITM (aus)! TA!!! Love you MA!

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