Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Me vs. 50 Shades of Brian Williams

This will be a short one. I wish I had a dollar for every time I said that. It is 1516 already. I slept until 1300 (which gave me five hours of sleep) then I cleaned the kitchen and went grocery shopping. I kinda was starting to think that I wouldn't get to blog today but, even though this may be short (see how many times I say that?) I am blogging. They say dynamite comes in small packages. After I got back from the market I had some breakfast (you may call it lunch). After I get done with this I may have lunch. I am doing great on my healthy eating and losing weight but, ironically, you have to eat to lose weight. If you don't eat your body will slow-down on burning the calories and fat and you will be stuck in the mud. I finally went down and hooked-up the television, internet and blue-ray player to make working-out go a little easier. Tomorrow is when the next phase is introduced. I have lost about 25 pounds since the hospital sympathy weight gain and I want to lose another 40+. I know I will.

I heard that John Stewart is leaving The Daily Show. I am on the extremely super long fictitious list to replace him. Honestly, since it is a political show, I would be way out of my element. Cha Cha would be good but she would not want to be on camera; she is not the ham that I am. Okay, I have my head writer - throw my hat back in the ring! Maybe Brian Williams would come aboard as a writer? He will probably be looking for a job and, as we know, he has a great imagination and would be a great addition to my staff. Wouldn't it be weird if this was all an elaborate promotional ploy to get Williams on as host with a great deal of publicity? Maybe I could get Bruce Jenner to cover women's issues too?
Rob Lowe cannot even be that ugly with Hollywood make-up

I don't know much about 50 Shades of Gray (or is it Grey?) but I am hearing a lot on the radio as I drive ALL NIGHT LONG almost every night. Apparently it kind of advocates violence against women? I do know that it sounds kind of like porn for the ladies. There are groups that are protesting the movie and asking people to donate the money that they would spend on seeing the film and donating it to women's shelters. I would do that. I may even do that even though I would and never will see the movie. I like chick flix but I dislike this one without even knowing anything about it.

I also heard on the radio that Drew Peterson (one of Illinois' finest) is being charged with trying to hire someone to the kill the prosecutor who got him sent to prison. Will Rob Lowe get to make a sequel to the television movie where he played Peterson? If you don't remember who Peterson is he is the cop from here in Illinois who was arrested for hiring people to kill a couple of his wives (his third and fourth I think). I think one ex-wife was killed and the current wife didn't get killed. If you are really interested I guess you can Google it or just rent the Rob Lowe film. It is probably on Netflix or in the dollar bin at your local big box store.

I have to send an email to my sergeant and eat my second meal and get some more sleep before I start my Friday tonight so I will wrap-up. I just wanted to blog as promised. Thanks a lot for taking a few minutes to spend with me; you mean a lot to me, Have a great night. I will blog again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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