Friday, February 20, 2015

Do Unto Others NOT as You Would Have Done Unto You!

Cha Cha snuck down and took this photo - I gotta work on that flabby gut
I finally got a really good workout in yesterday. It still amazing me how I have to drag myself into working-out but I always feel great while I am doing it and even better when I am done and my muscles have that slight ache. I did arms and cardio yesterday so today I will do legs and more cardio. I am going to work the stamina and endurance every day I think.

While I worked-out I watched a movie called Goon on Netflix. I searched the interweb and made a list of movies that sounded good based on a bunch of strangers. It is not great but I found it entertaining. It is a good movie to workout to because it got the adrenaline going.  It is a hockey movie about a guy who is just a goon. In case you are unaware of what that means in terms of hockey it is an enforcer, a protector... He fights and mainly protects the other players. Eddie Shore is probably the most well-known because of the movie Slap Shot. Without Marty McSorley to protect him Wayne Gretzky might have only been The Very Good One instead of The Great One. Dave Schultz of The Broad Street Bullies (Flyers). Bob Probert... There were some surprising people in the film - Eugene Levy and Liev Schreiber namely. I knew Sean William Scott was in the movie so he was not a surprise. Based on some of the footage during the closing credits it seems like it may have been based on a real guy. If you are a hockey fan you will probably like it okay though it is no Slap Shot.
They said they may have the film at Best Buy
I just got back from doing the shopping. I went to the supermarket for groceries and I stopped by the butcher to get Jeff some pipe bones. Cha Cha had mentioned that she has been wanting to watch Young Frankenstein again so, while I was out, I looked for the video. I tried Walmart, Target, Five Below, Best Buy, Dollar Tree and had no luck. I think Walmart would sell more videos if they didn't dump them all in a huge bin all together. There may have been a Young Frankenstein in there somewhere. who knows? I should have just brought a cart up and started taking the DVD's out a putting them in the carts. I came home and went on the computer and Red Box does not have it. I checked on the computer and the Sony site that is connected to our DVD player doesn't even have it. So, I thought about buying it online but, they made it a pain in the asterisk so I did not complete the purchase. I have always had an over-zealous want/need to please everybody else. I wish I could shake that character flaw.

While I was out I stopped over at work (the Human Resources department) and filled-out a form so I can test for another position. The exact name of the form is a "request to test." I want to test for this particular job because it is daytime work (I think from 0600 - maybe 1500 with an hour lunch?). I am not sure if I would accept a position if offered because I do not know the pay scale. I make pretty decent money and am getting a 16% raise in less than a month and then, if our Union contract goes as planned, another 14% raise later in the year. If I get an interview and get offered the job I will have to evaluate and decide. I heard about the position Wednesday night/Thursday morning while at work from someone who currently works in that department. If I see this person again I will ask about the pay. There would be a lot of things to weigh if it comes down to it. I like what I do but, as much as I like it, I like my time with the rest of the world more. I wold not have been able to go shopping while the rest of the world was at work if I worked days like everybody else.

I hope that means what I think it means
Jill and I talked about many things this morning and what we discussed made me think of one of the two best things I took away from college. It actually was the number two thing. One of my professors said something that I have carried with me ever since I heard it. I know you are on the edge of your seat waiting to read these sage words. We had always been taught (at least we MIDDLEs and beyond had) that "you should treat others as you would like to be treated." It comes from Matthew 7:12 in The Holy Bible - "do unto others as you would have done unto you." This professor said that we should actually "treat others as THEY would like to be treated." That makes perfect sense to me. Not everybody necessarily wants to be treated the way I want to be treated and I may not want to be treated the way you or they like to be treated. I try, most of the time, to follow this simple rule. I would say this the the new Matthew's philosophy as the old Matthew is pretty outdated. I would say that it is my credo (or creed if you prefer). If, when I first meet people, I don't know how they want to be treated I treat them as I would like to be treated until I learn their preferences. By the way, you may already have guessed that the best thing I took with me from college was Cha Cha!

It is already 1428 and I have to workout still and, when Jill gets home from work, it sounds like we are either going to Noddles and Company or Applebee's for dinner. I would make other choices but "treat other people as they would like to be treated" and these are the places she mentioned. I really don't care where we eat. I have only had two Weight Watchers cheese sticks, about five dill pickles and some carrot sticks today so, if it stays that way, I can eat pretty heartily (that is a word isn't it?) tonight. Again with the cylindrical-shaped foods. I think I may have some peas, broccoli or asparagus after my workout.

Is Stuart Goddard still alive? I always liked him and his music. I just heard the word adamant and I thought of him. It is funny how that word totally describes him. He was pretty steadfast in his beliefs and had unshakable convictions. In case you do not know who he is - he is/was Adam Ant (the singer not the cartoon superhero). I guess he is still alive according to Wikipedia and it sounds like he may be a bit senile now if that is correct.

Okay, I have to workout and shower and maybe I can even sneak a nap in there? It is really cold out so I am happy tonight is my Sunday and I don't have to be back at work until your Saturday (tomorrow) night. Thank you, as always, for stopping by. I guess you are treating me as I would like to be treated and I appreciate that. I hope you have a great Friday and Frinight. I will blog again tomorrow provided I am able. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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