Friday, March 28, 2014

This May Have Been a Dream!

It is 05:28 on your Friday morning. I am going to try to go back to sleep for a bit after I write this first Frontier Air flight over the ocean. why specifically Frontier?The rain and wind were pretty loud during the night. I love storms! It was probably a dream of frustration because I was walking through a small airport in the dream and, being a new pilot, I had no idea how to get on the plane. They had a secret entrance. I don't think those books with all of the meanings of dreams are correct. I believe different things have different meanings for different people. Those books are entertaining though and we have a couple of them. I will probably look some of this stuff up later. I am going to turn the light off and close the lid to this computer (my flight planner) and see if I can regain some of that REM. I believe, so far, that the dream had something to do with my current frustration at my work. The dream, coupled with the storm rocking my auditory senses.
paragraph but wanted to get this down because I will forget it. Last night, up until about five minutes ago, I actually was dreaming. I seldom remember my dreams because I seldom sleep long enough to get into a REM cycle. I slept with the window open last night and the weather sounds pretty tumultuous outside which is probably why I dreamt I was the pilot of an airline.

Time sure flies (pun not intended). It is 11:11 now and Dirty Laundry Podcast is half recorded. Cha Cha had to attend a meeting and I think the podcast would be boring with only me - who would laugh at my stupid jokes? We will do the last half-hour when she gets back.

I dreamt more after that first paragraph but forgot to write it down immediately. I was in a submarine though I remember. Maybe the dreams are about travel? Maybe I will get the part of the Travelocity gnome in a new movie? Why do we not remember our dreams after awhile? Is it because they are not real memories? Do we need all of our senses to deposit things into our memory banks? Maybe smell and taste and touch and hearing have more to do with memory than I thought. Just sight, even if it is not real sight like in a dream, needs back-up. Maybe if it were actual sight and not virtual sight the memory would be more embedded too?

It is 20:28 and I have been running around all day long. And, the podcast is 100% recorded and I am going to try to get it edited tomorrow and up no later than Sunday so we can have it up by Podcast Fools Day. I think I am going to open the window and hope for another storm tonight. Since I kind of slacked today I will probably try to blog tomorrow between edits. Can you believe I am going to go to bed at 20:32 on a Friday night (remember that it is my Sunday day. Thanks for stopping by. TTTT...MITM (discombobulated). Can you believe this was 15 hours in the writing? TA!

I didn;t rereadthis and most was written in sleep mode so hopefully you can make it out.

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