Thursday, March 27, 2014

Never Regret Past Decisions!

If you want to know a real feeling of accomplishment eat a handful of nuts right before you brush your teeth. I should come up with one of these nuggets of self-improvement every day. Then this could be a self-help blog and I could start selling advertising.

It is 07:00 Thursday. My weekend began just an hour ago and I am already dreading going back to work Saturday night. This is why people drink. I may have to have a few rum and cokes or margaritas on this fine Thursday morning. Wheaties are the breakfast of sissies! Maybe I will just go to sleep. I am meeting my great buddy Greg for lunch at Blackberry Inn today. Yes, THE Blackberry Inn. Off to the land of nod - trying to get 4 1/2 hours of sleep before lunch. Talk at you in what will seem like just nanoseconds.

It is now 15:30. I slept for about 3 1/2 and had lunch with Greg. It's always nice catching-up with Greg. The best things that I brought away from college are the life-long friendships and family that I gained from those years. I cannot imagine how different my life would be had I been home-schooled. I would probably be smarter but, intellect, though important, is not as big a deal as friends and family. Some disagree but they are wrong! I often think about how one little different choice in life could change everything that we are and all that we know. So, when you wish you did this or did that differently in your past think about the wonderful things that you have and know and the great friends and family that you are around that, without what you did, you may not have today. And, I did have one margarita and three Malibu and diets. The margaritas at Blackberry Inn suck; it could just be this particular bartender I suppose.

Tonight we are going to record the podcast that will begin our fourth season. It doesn't seem like Dirty Laundry Podcast has been around that long. I guess you could say we have not become an overnight sensation but, we are world-wide and we have grown our listenership every week. I am constantly in total wonderment when I see all of the countries where people listen to our show. We get quite a bit of mail from around the world and that even amazes me more; that people take the time to write to us. I know it is easier than it used to be when we had to write the letter, put it in an envelope, put a stamp on it (the kind you lick instead of the self-adhesive kind), put it in the mail box and wonder if it reached it's destination. Now we write it, hit send and can even see when it is read if we want to (I do not use that "seen" option).

I am catching-up on the last two week's of The Walking Dead while I write this. I have not had time to watch them up until now. People keep remarking on Facebook how wild the last couple of weeks have been. I am on the second of the two and the one I finished would have been really shocking hadn't I heard bits and pieces of what happened; the biggest bits and pieces, of course,

I have not played Words With Friends since December but, now that I have a new phone that allows me to play on my phone, I will play again. Right now I am just playing one game with one of my best besties but I will take-on all comers.

I am actively seeking new employment. I like my job but...the job itself anyway. I once worked for a large corporation where I was very good friends with the guy who was in charge of human resources for the entire company. He liked his job a great deal but he was always looking for a better job. Eventually he found one and moved to Indiana. We lost touch a few years ago but I bet he has moved several more times in that time. I wish I had followed that example. This whole blog today is about past choices it seems.

All five of the original members of Fleetwood Mac are back together and going on tour. I think I would like to see that show if they come to Chicago. There is another show that I hope comes to my area even more though. I heard that Paul Simon and Sting are touring together. Actually, I think concerts are kind of stupid. The idea is great but listening to music on Pandora or a CD or iTunes or the radio is probably more enjoyable when I think about it. Far less expensive too. I have been to lots of concerts and I have fond memories of each. Sporting events I find more enjoyable in person other than the cost and the driving to and from (unless, like Greg and I did last season, you take the train to Chicago and bar-hop all the way to Wrigley Field). Sports seem to touch more of the senses than concerts do. I guess that skunk smell at concerts is kinda nice.

It has become 17:26 in mere second it seems. I may take a short nap before we record the show. I will try but I am not a very good napper. Sleep, in general, doesn't seem to be very fond of me. I really want to do the show today so I can have all day tomorrow to get it edited and available by the show's anniversary. Thanks a lot for slowing down to read the blog and listening to the podcast. I really appreciate you like I mentioned a few paragraphs back. TTTT...MITM (zzz and pod and zzz) TA!

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