Tuesday, March 18, 2014

1001 Minus 1

Last night one of my co-workers said that, with my beard, I look like Anthony Hopkins. I don't really see it.
That's not a beard!

Since I work nights maybe I should come home and have a drink or two. That's what people usually do when their day is over; have a drink. I have never been one for breakfast food. Most of my life, given the choice, I would choose foods that are more universally (at least in America) thought of as lunch or dinner foods. Maybe I was meant to work the night shift my entire life? When I get home at 06:15 I usually sleep for three or four hours and then I am up for five or six and then sleep again for three or four before going to work. I pretty much have always slept that way but, when you wake up in the MIDDLE of the night that way, you cannot really do much. Most of the stores... are closed at night. This way they are open and there is usually very few people shopping... because they are at work or school or whatever real people do while I am sleeping. The thing that makes it difficult is the whole family thing. They are all on real people time and not on vampire hours like me. 

Yesterday I blogged that Wayne Knight was killed in an automobile accident over the weekend. I figured CNN was a reliable source. My buddies Greg and Shawn both posted on my Facebook page that CNN apparently got punked (thanks for that term Ashton Kutcher). Thankfully, Wayne Knight is not dead, it appears. I guess I helped spread the rumor but, CNN will take the heat and nobody will every remember that I fell for it too. I would be honored if people would blame me for the rumor and leave Cable News Network out of it. They get enough pub - I could use it to promote the blog and Dirty Laundry Podcast. The link that I put on Facebook yesterday is no longer active. Sorry for any undue grief or stress I may have caused Knight's family, friends or fan club.

We just took Jeff for a walk around the lake. It is still kinda chilly out but so much better than it has been. When we got back I noticed that the house next door to ours is almost entirely void of snow already while ours still has four foot piles. The piles we have are still from the snow I shoveled into mountains. The snow next door was never shoveled one time and now it is gone. Ergo, I plan on not shoveling at all next winter. I am almost certain I will make good on this declaration for at least eight or nine months then I will probably waffle or waver of whatever W word I will do. On a warmer note, we are gonna have the greenest back yard in the neighborhood. With all of the dog and rabbit fertilizer it should look like the rolling hills of Ireland or the fairways at Augusta National. The snow made the yard look like a giant bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough all winter with all of the rabbit chips. 
As you can see I decided to make my 1000th blog status quo. It has gotten me this far so why would I do anything differently? Tomorrow I will probably do blog #1001 and it will be as boring and mundane as always but, you and I will probably discover something else about me in the Middle as we head toward 10,000. I appreciate you coming back here whenever you can or as the urge strikes you. I try to always remember to thank you though I am sure I forget from time to time. I always ask myself why I write this but I never really have a good reason other than "a writer writes, always!" As long as I write I am a writer,

I am so happy that tonight is my Thursday. I will be even happier tomorrow when it is my Friday and I begin a new millennium of blogging most likely. Have a great night. And, as I blogged, I will probably write 1001 tomorrow. TTT1001...MITM (out) TA!

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